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July 2013

Volume 28 Number 7

July 2013 Code Downloads

Compilers - How Microsoft's Next-Gen Compiler Project Can Improve Your Code

One of the best tools .NET developers can use to analyze their code is the compiler, but until recently they couldn’t use that hard-won knowledge because the C# and VB compilers don’t provide APIs for you to access. This changes with the Microsoft Roslyn project, a set of compiler APIs that give you full access to the compilation process, as Jason Bock explains.
VB Version

Data Points - Behavior-Driven Design with SpecFlow

Julie Lerman demonstrates how behavior driven development focuses on building up logic and tests around user stories, helping to ensure that your software actually meets the required specifications.
VB Version

DirectX Factor - Simulating an Analog Synthesizer

Charles Petzold creates a digital simulation of a small 1970s-era analog synthesizer using XAudio2 audio effects.

LightSwitch - Build Modern Business Productivity Apps with Visual Studio LightSwitch

The latest version of Visual Studio LightSwitch adds support for touch-based user interfaces and HTML5 and JavaScript, while hooking into SharePoint 2013 and Office 365 for better business integration.

MVVM - Leveraging Windows 8 Features with MVVM

Brent Edwards explores how to let an application use cool Windows 8 features and still keep the presentation layer unit-test friendly.
VB version

Windows Phone - Create a Windows Phone 8 Company Hub App

One of the new features of Windows Phone 8 is the ability to create company hub apps that are responsible for installing and updating your company’s apps on a device without having to go through the store or use a mobile device management solution. This article explores what it takes to create and deploy company hub apps to your user base.
VB Version