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Special Windows 10 issue 2015

Volume 30 Number 11

Microsoft .NET - .NET and Universal Windows Platform Development

Microsoft .NET - .NET and Universal Windows Platform Development

Daniel Jacobson

Learn how you can use the latest .NET technology to build Universal Windows Platform applications that run on all Windows 10 devices.

October issue)

October 2015 Issue

Looking for the October issue of MSDN Magazine? Click here to learn the latest about Microsoft Azure development, how to manage libraries, frameworks and tools in Visual Studio with Bower, and developing for ASP.NET on iOS and Android with OmniShop and Yeoman. All that and more, here.

Graphics and Animation - Windows Composition Turns 10

Graphics and Animation - Windows Composition Turns 10

Kenny Kerr

Dive into the new Windows composition API with Kenny Kerr. It’s built on the Windows Runtime and provides the foundation for high-performance rendering. And, for the first time, composition works the same whether you’re targeting your multi-display desktop powerhouse or the lowly smartphone in your pocket.

App Lifecycle - Keep Apps Alive with Background Tasks and Extended Execution

App Lifecycle - Keep Apps Alive with Background Tasks and Extended Execution

Shawn Henry

Windows 10 and the Universal Windows Platform introduce new ways for your application to run in the background. Extended execution and background tasks help you keep users engaged with your application even when they’re not using it.

Notifications - Adaptive and Interactive Notifications in Windows 10

Notifications - Adaptive and Interactive Notifications in Windows 10

Thomas Fennel

Learn how to increase user engagement with new notification capabilities across a variety of devices and form factors.

App Integration - Linking and Integrating Apps on Windows 10

App Integration - Linking and Integrating Apps on Windows 10

Arunjeet Singh

As your app portfolio matures, it becomes important that apps communicate with each other while running on users' devices--especially if you want to build up complex experiences by linking apps together and sharing data among them.

Visual Studio Tooling - NuGet Features Enhance Windows 10 Development

Visual Studio Tooling - NuGet Features Enhance Windows 10 Development

Jeff Fritz

There are some new tools in the recent version of NuGet that can streamline the process of developing apps for the Universal Windows Platform, and can better describe and define project dependencies and configuration.

UI Design - Responsive Design for Universal Windows Apps

UI Design - Responsive Design for Universal Windows Apps

Mike Jacobs

The Universal Windows Platform lets your apps run on a spectrum of devices, from wearables with tiny screens to the Surface Hub. Learn how responsive design techniques help you create great user interfaces on devices of all sizes and shapes.

UI Design - Adaptive Apps for Windows 10

UI Design - Adaptive Apps for Windows 10

Clint Rutkas

Adaptive apps change their behavior based on the device type and OS version they run on. This article shows how apps can adapt to available features via API contracts and make best use of available display space and orientation.

Digital Ink - Ink Interaction in Windows 10

Digital Ink - Ink Interaction in Windows 10

Connor Weins

Learn how to use new digital ink capabilities in Windows 10 to promote natural user interactions ranging from simple doodling to more scenario-focused features such as note-taking and collecting signatures.

Game Development - Write Games for the Universal Windows Platform with Unity

Game Development - Write Games for the Universal Windows Platform with Unity

Jaime Rodriguez

Here’s a hands-on example of optimizing a simple Windows 8.1 game for Windows 10, demonstrating how to take advantage of new features offered by the Universal Windows Platform.

Last Word - Welcome to Windows 10 App Development

Last Word - Welcome to Windows 10 App Development

Kevin Gallo

With Windows 10 and the UWP, it’s possible for you to target—with a single app—the wide range of Windows devices via one shared set of APIs, a single set of languages and frameworks, one set of tools, and a unified Windows Store.

Editor's Note - The Road from 3.0

Editor's Note - The Road from 3.0

Michael Desmond

A quarter century ago, Microsoft released Windows 3.0 and changed the direction of the PC industry. Might Windows 10, the third iteration of Microsoft's new-look OS, do the same?