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How can I enable trigger?


Wednesday, March 30, 2016 9:32 AM

I created logic app and it was working fine, I disabled it one week ago then enabled it today, when I press select trigger button to start the trigger I got this message, any help please?

statusMessage:{"error":{"code":"WorkflowTriggerIsNotEnabled","message":"Could not execute workflow 'xxx' trigger 'yyy' with state 'Disabled': trigger is not enabled."}}

My trigger is ftp connector.

All replies (2)

Wednesday, April 6, 2016 3:49 AM

This sounds like a bug.  Is this still happening?  Can you send me some info on your subscription I can pass onto the on-call team to investigate?  jehollan[at]

SubscriptionId, Resource Group, Logic App name would be awesome.  Also any dates/time estimates (with timezone) on when the different actions occured.  Let me know if this error is still showing.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019 7:17 PM

I had a similar issue, and it just meant I had forgotten to enable my flow. There's a hint in the error message.

> Could not execute workflow 'xxx' trigger 'yyy' with state 'Disabled'