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Restart SQL server without failing over to passive node


Saturday, August 23, 2014 6:01 PM

Hi All,

We have 2 node active/passive environment (windows 2003) and 1 clustered SQL instance running. Currently all SQL resources are owned by node 1 and SQL server is running in node 1. There is a requirement now to reboot SQl Server.

1) If i restart SQL Server service in SQl Server configuration manager, SQl server will come up in node 2?

2) If the above is true, how can i restart the SQL server without the SQL resource getting failed over to the passive node2

i.e) SQl server is running in node1 and after restart it should come up in same node1. How can i achieve that?


All replies (3)

Sunday, August 24, 2014 3:05 AM | 1 vote


Use the failover cluster manager GUI or powershell (import-module failoverclusters) to stop the sql server resource and then start the sql server resource. That will do what you're wanting without a failover.

Sean Gallardy | Blog | Microsoft Certified Master

Sunday, August 24, 2014 6:51 AM | 1 vote

Yes, as Sean pointed, right click on the SQL Server resource (within a cluster administrator)and click Take Offline (SQL Server 2005 +W2003)

Best Regards,Uri Dimant SQL Server MVP,

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Sunday, August 24, 2014 12:43 PM | 1 vote

As mentioned , you can do both ( restart the service on the same some or failover to the other node). make sure you always use Failover Cluster Manager See this article

Javier Villegas | @javier_vill

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