Virtual Machine Manager Error Codes (12500-12999)
Links to other error code pages can be found on the Virtual Machine Manager (VMM) 2008 R2 Error Codes page.
To find a specific error message in this table, type Ctrl-F and enter the error code. If you have additional information about how to fix an error, add it to the "Additional Troubleshooting Information" column.
Code | Message | Recommended Action (in product) | Additional Troubleshooting Information |
12700 | VMM cannot complete the Hyper-V operation on the %ServerName; server because of the error: %VMAsyncTaskErrorMessage; | Resolve the issue in Hyper-V and then try the operation again. | |
12701 | VMM cannot complete the VMware operation on the %ServerName; server because of the error: %VMAsyncTaskErrorMessage; | Resolve the issue in VMware and then try the operation again. | |
12702 | Cannot bind to TCP port %TCPPort; because it is in use by another process on the %ServerName; server. | Wait until the other process is completed, and then try the operation again. | |
12703 | VMM cannot establish a trust relationship for the SSL/TLS secure channel for %ServerName; server. | Install the certificate to the trusted people root store of the VMM server and then try the operation again. | |
12704 | Unable to connect to the Hyper-V service on the server %ServerName;. | Ensure that the Hyper-V Virtual Machine Management service (vmms) and the Virtual Machine Manager Agent are installed and running on the server %ServerName;. | |
12705 | The volume does not contain a recognized file system. | Please make sure that all required file system drivers are loaded and that the volume is not corrupted. | |
12706 | The virtualization software on the host %ServerName; does not support the conversion operation on a virtual hard disk. | Select a host with different virtualization software and then try the operation again. | |
12707 | The virtualization software on host %ServerName; does not support the compacting of a fixed virtual hard disk. | To compact the hard disk, migrate the virtual machine to a host that is running different virtualization software. | |
12708 | The specified pass-through disk %FilePath; does not exist on host %ServerName;. | Select an offline pass-through disk and then try the operation again. If you have recently changed your disk configuration, wait approximately 30 minutes or you can manually refresh the properties selecting the host %ServerName; in the Hosts pane and run the refresh action. | |
12709 | >The operation on %ComputerName; did not complete successfully because of the error: %DetailedErrorMessage;. | Ensure that the parameters are valid, and then try the operation again. | |
12710 | VMM does not have appropriate permissions to access the WSMan resources on the %ServerName; server. | 1) Ensure that the WinRM service is running on host %ServerName;.\n2) If the VMM service on your VMM server is configured to run by using the machine account, ensure that there is not a group policy that disallows adding machine accounts to a computer’s Administrators group. If there is, you can use one of the following workarounds:\n - Disable the group policy in Active Directory\n - Modify the group policy to allow the VMM machine account in the Administrators group\n - Move the machine account to its own organizational unit (OU) and block the group policy from being applied\n - Reinstall the VMM server and choose the option to run the VMM service by using a domain account, and re-add all your VM hosts | |
12711 | VMM cannot complete the WMI operation on server %ServerName; because of error: %WMIExtendedErrorMessage; | Resolve the issue and then try the operation again. |