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Visual Studio 2012 and the Error Code: -2147205120

As you probably know, when getting this errorcode, this is not really helpful. Why? Here is the table on MSDN:

Setup Status

Restart not required

Restart required



0x00000000 [0]

0x00000bc2 [3010]

Successful installation.


0x80044000 [-2147205120]

0x8004C000 [-2147172352]

If the only block to be reported is “Reboot Pending,” the returned value is the Incomplete-Reboot Required value (0x80048bc7).


0x00000642 [1602]

0x80048642 [-2147187134]

When the Reboot value is returned, the Result Value is 1602.



0x80048bc7 [-2147185721]

Installation canceled.


0x00000643 [1603]

0x80048643 [-2147187133]

When the Reboot value is returned, the Result Value is 1603.

How does that help?

Block, Restart not required, if the only block to be reported is “Reboot Pending,” the returned value is the Incomplete-Reboot Required value (0x80048bc7).

Well, I had that issue twice, and both times, I found out what the error was.


When installing VS2012 on a Windows Server 2008 R2, .NET Framework 4.5 will NOT AUTOMATICALLY be installed during the installation. Meaning you have to do this manually.  You can download the file here:


During the installation, I get this error but I already have .NET Framework 4.5 installed.
Have you checked the free space on your hard drive? In manual setup, you may notice the problem, but in unattended installation, you will receive this error.

Whenever you find another solution for this error, please add it to the list. Thank you.