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Analytics for LinkedIn 2013

Analytics for LinkedIn 2013


Analytics for LinkedIn enables you to create LinkedIn dashboards inside Microsoft® Office Excel 2013 by searching on any combination of terms including contact names, company names, job titles, locations and keywords.  The workbook comes with several sheets that provide valuable insight into the search terms and are an easy way create your own customized LinkedIn analytics.


Click here to download the most recent version of Analytics for LinkedIn 2013


  1. Ensure the following programs are installed on your machine:

  2. View the Troubleshooting Silverlight and Power View** **instructions on enabling the add-in.

  • All reports were designed around a resolution of 1600 x 900 to maximize on the reporting area for the largest number of devices.  For resolutions of 1366 x 768 or lower, the report area should be increased by hiding (or minimizing) some of the Excel tabs, Formula bar and Headings.

To hide the Excel Tabs

  1. Click the ribbon display options icon at the upper right corner of the Excel application window.
  2. Click Show Tabs.

To hide the Formula Bar and Headings

  1. Click View.
  2. ** **Uncheck Formula Bar and Headings.
  • For higher resolution displays (1920 x 1080) we recommend zooming into the charts to 130% or 140% for a full screen experience.
  • Analytics for LinkedIn 2013 was developed around the LinkedIn REST API for retrieving and downloading of all LinkedIn data. As such, the data that is reported on is dependent on the reliability and accuracy of the data that is presented by the LinkedIn API.  LinkedIn API may impose a periodic limit on the number of data rows being returned when their servers are receiving too many requests, both in general and by IP/machine.

Sheet Overview



My Network

View a summary report of your LinkedIn network.

Network Details

View details about your LinkedIn connections.

People Search

View summary insights by query into the people search data including breakdowns by company, position, industry and years on current job.

People Details

Explore details about people, such as profile pictures, full name, position title, headline and location.

Job Search

View summary insights by query into job search data including breakdowns by industry, company, job title, function and experience.

Job Map

View a map of where all the jobs are located.

Quick Start Guide

  1. Open the Analytics for LinkedIn 2013.xlsx file on your desktop.
  1. Click Analytics for LinkedIn within the ribbon.
  2. Click Get Connections.
  3. In the authorization dialog enter your LinkedIn credentials and then click Allow access to authenticate to LinkedIn.

NOTE: If you have a large number of connections, you may have to wait a few minutes before the download process completes.  However, if you don’t want to wait click Stop & Process Now to generate the reports with the list of connections already loaded.

  1. Once the download has been processed, click Close.
  2. Click the My Network worksheet (if you aren't already there).
  3. Click the Data tab within the ribbon.
  4. Click Refresh All. This will refresh the data model and build your new reports.
  1. Save a copy of your Excel workbook so you can view or update your custom report at a later time.
  2. When you are ready to update your existing report, click Get Connections.

To fully harness the power of Analytics for LinkedIn we recommend searching by People and Jobs.  By specifying a small amount of search information such as names (individual, company, job titles, etc.) or key word, you can generate a richer analysis of LinkedIn People and/or Jobs. In the LinkedIn People or Jobs search, each of your five queries use their own configuration enabling you to compare the same query in different areas, locations or companies.

  1. Click Search People or Search Jobs within the Excel Analytics for LinkedIn ribbon.
  2. Authorize Analytics for LinkedIn 2013, if you haven’t already done so.
  3. Enter your search query - up to five comma separated search terms may be used.
  4. Click User Advanced Search to further fine tune your search.
  5. Click Search to begin searching and loading data.
  6. When the search has completed and data is loaded, click Close.
  7. Click Data within the Excel ribbon.
  8. Click Refresh All to refresh all the Analytics for LinkedIn reports with the updated data.

Troubleshooting Analytics for LinkedIn 2013

When you open the Analytics for LinkedIn workbook, you should see an “Analytics for LinkedIn” tab under the Excel 2013 ribbon. If the Analytics for LinkedIn Plugin fails to load or install properly while you are in Excel, the tab will be missing from the Excel ribbon. To troubleshoot this problem complete the following steps.

Verifying Analytics for LinkedIn 2013 Plugin Installation

  1. In Excel 2013 click File within the ribbon.
  2. Click Options to bring up the Excel Options dialog.
  3. In the Excel Options dialog, click Add-Ins to manage your add-ins.
  4. At the lower part of the Manage Add-Ins pane, click COM Add-ins from the Manage dropdown menu.
  5. Click Go.
  6. In the COM Add-Ins dialog, verify that there is only one entry for Analytics for LinkedIn 2013, and that the plugin is enabled (checked).
  7. Click OK to close the COM Add-Ins dialog and then close all open Excel workbooks.
  8. Open Analytics for LinkedIn 2013 by launching the shortcut on your desktop.

Troubleshooting Silverlight and Power View

When you open the Analytics for LinkedIn workbook it will prompt you to install the Silverlight Plugin if it is not present on your system. If the Silverlight Plugin fails to load or install properly while you are in Excel it will keep prompting you to install the plugin. To troubleshoot this problem complete the following steps.

Verifying Silverlight Plugin Installation

  1. Close all open Excel workbooks.
  2. Open Internet Explorer and connect to This page should load the Silverlight Plugin. If the page fails to load properly you will need to reinstall the Silverlight Plugin from while using Internet Explorer. Ensure that the Silverlight Plugin loads properly before continuing.
  3. Open Excel 2013 and create a blank workbook.
  4. Click the Insert tab within the ribbon.
  5. Click Power View to insert a blank Power View report.

This will load the Silverlight Plugin and create a blank Power View report. If Power View loads properly try opening the Analytics for LinkedIn workbook. If Power View doesn't load properly try disabling and then enabling the Power View Add-In by completing the following steps.

Disabling and Enabling the Power View Add-In

  1. In Excel 2013 click the File tab within the ribbon.
  2. Click Options to bring up the Excel Options dialog.
  3. In the Excel Options dialog click Add-Ins to manage your add-ins.
  4. Click COM Add-ins from the Manage dropdown menu.
  5. Click Go.
  6. In the COM Add-Ins dialog verify that there is only one entry for Power View.
  7. Verify the Analytics for LinkedIn Add-In is enabled.
  8. Uncheck Power View.
  9. Click OK to close the COM Add-Ins dialog and then then close all open Excel workbooks.
  10. Open Excel 2013 and create a blank workbook.
  11. Follow the previous steps 1-4 to open the COM Add-Ins dialog.
  12. Check Power View to enable the Add-In.
  13. Click OK to close the COM Add-Ins dialog and then close all open Excel workbooks.
  14. Open Analytics for LinkedIn by launching the shortcut on your desktop.