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MIM 2016: How to Add a CheckBox to a Custom Workflow UI

This article shows you how to add a CheckBox to the UI part of your FIM custom workflow.

Applies to

  • FIM 2010 and later,
  • MIM 2016 all versions

UI code functions

Add the following functions to your workflow's UI class:

#Region "CheckBox Functions"
 Private Function  AddTableRowCheckBox(ByVal labelText As [String], ByVal  controlID As  [String], _
 ByVal defaultValue As [Boolean]) As  TableRow
 Dim row As New  TableRow()
 Dim labelCell As New  TableCell()
 Dim controlCell As New  TableCell()
 Dim label As New  Label()
 Dim checkbox As New  CheckBox()
 label.Text = labelText
 label.CssClass = MyBase.LabelCssClass
 checkbox.ID = controlID
 checkbox.Checked = defaultValue
 Return row
 End Function
 Private Function  GetIsChecked(ByVal checkBoxID As String) As  Boolean
 Dim checkBox As CheckBox = DirectCast(Me.FindControl(checkBoxID), CheckBox)
 Return checkBox.Checked
 End Function
 Private Sub  SetIsChecked(ByVal checkBoxID As String, ByVal  isChecked As  Boolean)
 Dim checkBox As CheckBox = DirectCast(Me.FindControl(checkBoxID), CheckBox)
 If checkBox IsNot Nothing Then
 checkBox.Checked = isChecked
 checkBox.Checked = True
 End If
 End Sub
 Private Sub  SetCheckBoxReadOnlyOption(ByVal textBoxID As String, ByVal  [readOnly] As  Boolean)
 Dim checkBox As CheckBox = DirectCast(Me.FindControl(textBoxID), CheckBox)
 checkBox.Enabled = Not  [readOnly]
 End Sub
#End Region


Define a Boolean property in the Activity code

In your workflow's Activity code you need to define a Boolean property which will represent whether the CheckBox is ticked in the FIM Portal workflow configuration:

Public Shared  MyCheckBoxProperty As DependencyProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("MyCheckBox", GetType(System.Boolean), GetType(MyActivity))
 <Description("Please specify the target attribute")> _
 <DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Visible)> _
 <Browsable(True)> _
 Public Property  MyCheckBox() As Boolean
 Return DirectCast(MyBase.GetValue(MyActivity.MyCheckBoxProperty), [Boolean])
 End Get
 Set(ByVal value As Boolean)
 MyBase.SetValue(MyActivity.MyCheckBoxProperty, value)
 End Set
 End Property


Add the CheckBox to the UI

You also need to modify the default methods of the UI class to render the CheckBox.


Public Overrides  Function GenerateActivityOnWorkflow(ByVal workflow As SequentialWorkflow) As Activity
 If Not  Me.ValidateInputs() Then
 Return Nothing
 End If
 Dim MyActivity As New  MyActivity()
 MyActivity.MyCheckBox = Me.GetIsChecked("bMyCheckBox")
 Return MyActivity
 End Function
 Public Overrides  Sub LoadActivitySettings(ByVal activity As Activity)
 Dim MyActivity As MyActivity = TryCast(activity, MyActivity)
 If MyActivity IsNot Nothing Then
 Me.SetIsChecked("bMyCheckBox", MyActivity.MyCheckBox)
 End If
 End Sub
 Public Overrides  Function PersistSettings() As ActivitySettingsPartData
 Dim data As New  ActivitySettingsPartData()
 data("MyCheckBox") = Me.GetIsChecked("bMyCheckBox")
 Return data
 End Function
 Public Overrides  Sub RestoreSettings(ByVal data As ActivitySettingsPartData)
 If data IsNot Nothing Then
 Me.SetIsChecked("bMyCheckBox", DirectCast(data("MyCheckBox"), Boolean))
 End If
 End Sub
 Public Overrides  Sub SwitchMode(ByVal mode As ActivitySettingsPartMode)
 Dim [readOnly] As Boolean  = (mode = ActivitySettingsPartMode.View)
 Me.SetCheckBoxReadOnlyOption("bMyCheckBox", [readOnly])
 End Sub
 Protected Overrides  Sub CreateChildControls()
 Dim controlLayoutTable As Table
 controlLayoutTable = New  Table()
 controlLayoutTable.Width = Unit.Percentage(100.0)
 controlLayoutTable.BorderWidth = 0
 controlLayoutTable.CellPadding = 2
 ' The following line adds the CheckBox
 controlLayoutTable.Rows.Add(Me.AddTableRowCheckBox("MyTitle:", "bMyCheckBox", True))
 End Sub


Using the value in your Activity code

To access the CheckBox value in your Activity code simply use Me.MyCheckBox.
