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AD RMS Reports

Active Directory Rights Management Services (AD RMS) in Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2008 R2 lets you gather and report useful data about how the AD RMS service is being used:

Statistics Report

The statistics report provides a basic count of the number of users that have been certified by the AD RMS cluster and the location (domain or federated) of those users. Because this information comes from the AD RMS configuration database, this report is always available, even if logging is disabled for the cluster.

System Health Report

The system health report consists of three summary reports that show the number of requests on a per-server and per-domain basis, as well as a detailed breakdown of the request types handled by the cluster. For each request type, you can view a graph that shows the number of successful and unsuccessful requests and the amount of time required to process those requests. What each request type represents is explained later in this article.

Troubleshooting Report

The troubleshooting report lets you examine each request processed for a particular user. If a user is experiencing problems obtaining a certificate or a license, for example, you can examine the details of a particular certificating or licensing request to determine the cause of the problem.

Request Types

The following describes four kinds of requests returned in the system health reports and the troubleshooting report.

Find Service Locations for User

This is a request to the services in servicelocator.asmx to locate the certification or licensing pipeline when the AD RMS client reaches the other pipeline. Typically this occurs when the client is initializing after acquiring the AD RMS service connection point (SCP). Analyzing this request is primarily useful for troubleshooting.

Certify Client

An AD RMS client makes this request request when a new client is initializing and being activated for an existing or new user, or when a client is being renewed after the machine certificate has expired.

Get Client Licensor Certificate

An AD RMS client makes this request when a new user is being initialized to protect content. Typically this occurs along with client activation, but since the client licensor certificate (CLC) is acquired from the licensing URL and client activation comes from the certification URL, these can be performed by different servers in multiforest environments or environments with licensing-only clusters.

Acquire License

An AD RMS client makes this request to acquire a user license to decrypt protected content. It can also represent licensing operations performed by Microsoft Exchange to provide pre-licensing on behalf of Exchange users.

For information about AD RMS licenses and certificates, see Understanding AD RMS Certificates in the Microsoft TechNet Library.

See Also