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Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 - Clone a Process (Dialog) for translate in fast way

In this article we will explain a fast trick to clone and translate in fast way a process (Dialog). In CRM 2011 we cannot clone a dialog but we need to create manually the same dialog for all our languages: if we have English and Italian like mains languages, we have to develop the dialog before in English and after in Italian. This procedure is not fast but it is boring. If you have the CRM in all languages the time that we lost is too much.

I found a way to create in fast way the dialog for all our languages. In the following list we found all process:

  1. Create our dialog process in English.
  2. Test the dialog process
  3. De-activate the dialog
  4. Convert the dialog in process template
  5. Create the English dialog from process template
  6. Open CRM database
  7. Search the table WorkflowBase
  8. Search our Dialog Template (in our case the name is DIALOG_TEST_TEMPLATE)
    In the table there is a field: LANGUAGECODE. This field manage the language visualization for the dialog.
  9. We need to update this code with the code that we have to create. In our example we need English and Italian and we update the language code with Italian (1040):
    UPDATE WorkflowBase SET languagecode = 1040 WHERE name = "Dialog_Test_Template" and StateCode = 1
  10. Come back to the CRM
  11. Change language from Option (In our case we choose Italian)
  12. Open Settings from navigation
  13. Select Processes node from Navigation menu
  14. Create the Dialog from template a change all labels translations
  15. Activate template
  16. Restore the English language in our CRM: change the language in English from option
  17. Open our Solution from Setting
  18. In Process voice we need to add the new Dialog that we created to connect with our Solution.

We need to repeat these processes for all language. At the end we must to remember to update the language code for the template with base language: English:

*UPDATE WorkflowBase SET languagecode = 1033 WHERE name = "Dialog_Test_Template" and StateCode  = 1

This is a small and fast way to create the same dialog for all our active CRM languages. I found this helpful because for a big dialog process the time that I spend to create every dialog is too much.*
