PowerShell Web Administration Module
After a long time, we started discussing PowerShell and IIS. Yes, this is interesting for IIS admins and anyone who hosts sites in IIS.
What version of PowerShell are you using? This is released in both 32-bit and 64-bit modules. Choose the appropriate one. 64-bit module will not work in 32-bit PowerShell.
[intptr]::Size |
If this returns 8 it's 64 bit and 4 denotes 32-bit version.
Import-Module WebAdministration -Verbose |
Any error occurring please fix before proceeding. Note: Ensure Execution Policy is set to remote signed.
Gets Web Site hosted in the machine
Get-Website |
Gets Status of the machine
Get-Website | Select -Property Name , State |
Gets Physical Physical Path of the Site
Get-Website | Select -Property Name , Physicalpath |
Start Web Site
Start-Website -Name testdemo -Verbose |
Stop Web Site
Stop-Website -Name TestDemo -Verbose |
Remove Web Site
Remove-Website -Name 'TestDemo' -Verbose |
Get-Website | Select -ExpandProperty bindings |
Back-up WebSite Configuration
Backup-WebConfiguration -Name 'Default Web Site' |
Restore Web Site Configuration
Restore-WebConfiguration -Name 'Default Web Site' |
Explore More Commands
Get-Command -Module WebAdministration |
Enjoy PowerShell :)