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Lync Troubleshooting: Client policy has been removed from configuration store


Getting Client Policy warning message while opening from the user account.

Error/ warning:

"ClientPolicy" with identity "5" assigned to "Sip:" has been removed from configuration store.

Problem Statement:

Whenever we open a specific user in Lync Management Shell or Lync Control Panel, we see above error or warning message that user “‘ClientPolicy’ assigned to "" has been removed from configuration store”.

This is just a warning message. However, it is coming every time we open a specific user in Lync. Looks like it’s something with policy only.


This error itself is stating that the user has client policy assigned which is removed from configuration store.

We need to remove that assigned policy from a user account in order to resolve the issue on Lync.

 Follow the below steps to remove warning:

  1.  Log on the server and open Lync Management Shell.

  2. Type below commandlet:

    PS C:\Users\balu> Grant-CsClientPolicy -Identity -PolicyName $null 
  3. After running above command, wait for 5 min and run below command to see the result:

    PS C:\Users\balu> Get-CsUser -Identity
  4.  Now you will not see above warning message.

Means here you have removed old client access policy from user’s account which was deleted earlier.