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Disable Creation of New Folder in Existing Document Libraries

You have a SharePoint farm with many Site collections and document libraries. You have decided that you want to disable the creation of new libraries in all Document libraries. 

You could manually edit the settings of every library or you could run the below PowerShell script:

Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell

#If you know the site URL that you want to affect just change $sites to "Get-SPSite "http://{siteurl}" otherwise all sites will be affected

#Get list of sites in the farm

$sites = Get-SPSite -Limit All | Get-SPWeb -Limit All

#Get list of document libraries in the farm and remove system folders from the list

$folders = $sites.folders | where {($ -ne "FormServerTemplates") -and ($ -ne "Style Library") -and ($ -ne "SiteAssets")}

#Get a list of document librarys that are actual document libraries and not catalogs etc...

$items = $ | where {$_.vti_listservertemplate -eq "101" }

#Grab the title of the remaining libraries

$libs = $items.vti_listtitle 

#Remove duplicate items from the list

$itemsclean = $libs | select -Unique

#Run through the list of libraries

foreach($i in $itemsclean){

Write-Host "Changing Library " $i   

$list = $sites.lists | where title -eq $i

#Set the folder creation value to false   

$list.EnableFolderCreation = $false

#Update the value  


Write-Host "Changed " $i
