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After installing SharePoint 2013 Service Pack 1 or higher update Workflow service stops working

One of my friends recently installed SharePoint 2013 SP1 and ran the PSCONFIG wizard on all SharePoint servers. The wizard completed without any issue except 1 server which has Workflow server installed on it.

**Issue: **

In SharePoint UI, user sees error below:
-----------Site error------------
Sorry, something went wrong
Method 'StartWorkflowOnListItem' in type 'Microsoft.SharePoint.WorkflowServices.FabricWorkflowInstanceProvider' from assembly 'Microsoft.SharePoint.WorkflowServices, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c' does not have an implementation.
-----------Site error------------
In ULS logs we could see error message:
-----------ULS log error------------
12/21/2014 10:09:14.44 w3wp.exe (0x06D6) 0x1F3C SharePoint Foundation General 8nca Medium Application error when access /_layouts/15/Workflow.aspx, Error=Method 'StartWorkflowOnListItem' in type 'Microsoft.SharePoint.WorkflowServices.FabricWorkflowInstanceProvider' from assembly 'Microsoft.SharePoint.WorkflowServices, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c' does not have an implementation. at Microsoft.SharePoint.WorkflowServices.FabricSolutionProviderFactory….

12/21/2014 10:09:14.46 w3wp.exe (0x06D6) 0x1F3C SharePoint Foundation Runtime tkau Unexpected System.TypeLoadException: Method 'StartWorkflowOnListItem' in type 'Microsoft.SharePoint.WorkflowServices.FabricWorkflowInstanceProvider' from assembly 'Microsoft.SharePoint.WorkflowServices, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c' does not have an implementation. at Microsoft.SharePoint.WorkflowServices.FabricSolutionProviderFactory.<.cctor>b__3(WorkflowServicesContext context) at Microsoft.SharePoint.WorkflowServices.FabricSolutionProviderFactory.GetProvider[T]...

-----------ULS log error------------

**Cause for the issue: **
Found that when we upgrade SharePoint server, STS service does not updated properly and require a separate update. There is a mismatch of STS and SharePoint which cause this issue.

Resolution to the issue:
To install this update:

  1. Browse to site
  2. Now click on "Download"
  3. Once update is downloaded, Install it on SharePoint server.

For More information about update check


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