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Desktop Shortcut via GPO

Shortcut is nothing but the path configured of some shared folder which are on file server and that path then we put on users desktop as a shared  folder shortcut. In small environment we can manually configure these shortcuts on users desktop. But in large environment it is impossible to go each and every desk and configure shortcut. Either way we can map network drive via users Active Directory profile or by configuring login script in Group Policy.

In this scenario we will create shortcut for common shared folder (created on file server) with permission as everyone on users desktop.

To start with get the OU name where users are placed and where we want to configure shortcut. Login to your domain controller with either administrator or user who is domain admin.

Go to Start–>RUN–>gpmc.msc, this will open group policy management console. Target the OU where we want to apply this policy and then right click on OU and select create GPO in this domain and link it here



2) Once selected right click on this GPO and go for edit option to open Group policy editor. Move towards User Configuration–>Preferences–>Windows Setting.  Select shortcut and on right hand blank space right click and then go for  New–>Shortcut


3) This will open new shortcut creation dialog box where we have configure path for the shared folder and where we want to place this shortcut. (In this we will put this shortcut on desktop so will select location as desktop)

Keep action as update, Give suitable name for your shortcut (Here will give name as Common Folder), provide the target path, Target type etc. So properties will look like below


Once after configuring these settings verify then click on apply and then click on OK to exit configuration. Close GP editor box and to verify the setting click on GPO which we have recently configured. You will see the result on right pane under settings tab and then in user configuration.

Once verified to replicate the setting on desktop by command GPUPDATE /FORCE. You will the shortcut appeared on the desktop.