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Lync Troubleshooting: Unable to see contacts on iOS and Android.


Unable to see Lync contacts on iOS and Android.


No specific error, just shows Lync contact blank on mobile devices.

Problem Statement

Using UCS (Unified Contact Store) however recently Lync contacts stopped displaying on iOS, Android, Windows App etc.

Lync contacts shows on Windows Lync 2013 client, Skype for Business client however not showing on mobile devices, iPad etc.

EWS (Exchange web services) is working fine on iOS, android, windows app device as calendar information shows correctly.


You can follow below steps in order to troubleshoot this issue.


In order to test below all mentioned commands you may need CsAdministrator and RTCUniversalServerAdmins group permission.


Browse EWS URL (external) from mobile device and see the result. If EWS is not working then work with Exchange admin and correct EWS issue.

In my case EWS URL was browsing correctly. EWS response looks like the below image.


Lync contact not showing on only mobility devices hence check the below:

  1. Check Lync iPhone log. I was seeing “Get” request from client for Contacts and Group and seeing “Post” response from server however contact not display on Lync client on mobile device.

  2. IIS log shows 404 errors hence did IIS reset on all Front End Server.

    1. IISREST.

    2. Repair IIS URL rewrite module (Select IIS URL rewrite module and right click it, you will see repair option, > Select Repair on Frontend servers.

    3. Still issue persist.


Later Tested UCS, so there no Authentication error however test failed. See below.

PS [C:\](mailto:C:)*> Test-CsUnifiedContactStore -UserSipAddress *

-TargetFqdn "" -UserCredential $cred Target Fqdn   :

Result        : Failure

Latency       : 00:00:03.3708299

Error Message : Contacts notification was not received within 50 seconds.


Now test exchange connectivity:

Test-CsExStorageConnectivity -SipUri

* PS* C:\ Test-CsExStorageConnectivity -SipUri ""

Test-CsExStorageConnectivity : ExCreateItem exchange operation failed,

code=574, reason=StoreContext{traceId=[1687025949],


code=ErrorUnhandledException, reason=Wrapped callback failed --->

System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: The application is missing a

linked account for RBAC roles, or the linked account has no RBAC role

assignments, or the calling users account is logon disabled.

Tried to invoke UCS rollback command however it give below error.

Invoke-CsUcsRollback –Identity “

It shows application is missing a liked account for RBAC role. But there is no clear documentation on what RBAC role is missing.

Issue does look like a more general OAuth issue that is causing both the Test (CsExchangeConnectivity and CsUnifiedContactStore) and UCS rollback to fails. Looks like partner applications have a related account that may have some issue.

Now check partner application. Log on to exchange Server and Open Exchange Management Shell and check partner application.

*PS C:\ Get-PartnerApplication *


*AuthMetadataUrl: *

Realm  :

UseAuthServer : False

AcceptSecurityIdentifierInformation : True

LinkedAccount : Objects/LyncEnterprise-ApplicationAccount

So issue is partner application liked account is deleted or not available.

  1. In order to resolve this, we have two options:

  2. Restored deleted liked account.

  3. Setup / configure partner application again to get linked account create.

In my case linked account is not showing under recycle bin in Active Directory hence configuring partner application again to created partner application is best option.

Follow below steps to create partner application linked:

  1. Login to Exchange 2013, Open Exchange Management Shell.

  2. Go to path C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Scripts>

  3. Run below command:

C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Scripts>Configure-EnterprisePartnerApplication.ps1 -AuthMetaDataUrl '' -ApplicationType “Lync"

Run IIsreset

<exchange server> from Exchange management shell agents all Exchange 2013 server name.

Now time to check partner application and validate the same..

Run command:

*Get-PartnerApplication *

And see the linked account and verify


LinkedAccount : account/LyncEnterprise-ApplicationAccount


Then test Test-CsExStorageConnectivity -SipUri ""

Test passed.


Time to log on to Lync 2013 client on iOS, Android and Windows device and see the Lync contacts.

In my case contacts show correctly.