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Visual Studio 2013 Troubleshooting: Update 5 Crashes while creating TFS 2013 Team Project

Infrastructure details

  • Visual Studio 2013.5
  • Team Foundation Server 2013 Update 5
  • SharePoint 2013
  • Windows Server 2012 R2


 Migrated the TFS 2010 Team Collection to TFS 2013, it all went good.

You want to baseline other project as well, so you open visual studio 2013 and click create new Team Project in team explorer, but while creating VS 2013.5 crashes.

In event log, an error has been prompted that the clr.exe has been crashed, but it doesn't letting me to any conclusion.

To find the solution online, most of the consultants recommended to re-install VS 2013.5. I did that twice and also repaired VS. Unfortunately that solution doesn't work for me. 

There was another solution to clean cache files. It also doesn't work for me as well. Steps

  1. Clean the Cache folder on client computer. The folder path is: C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Team Foundation\5.0\Cache.
  2. Clean the Cache folder on Server machine. The folder path is: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Team Foundation\Web Access\Cache_v11.0
  3. After cleaned, on Server machine, click Start and select Run… to open the dialog box, then inputiisreset.exe and click OK, wait it run completely.

 I got curious why its happening , So i open another instance of VS and attached the VS process to it. I got this error.

"System.ExecutionEngineException was unhandled

Message: An unhandled exception of type 'System.ExecutionEngineException' occurred in Microsoft.TeamFoundation.TestManagement.Controller.dll"


Copy "**Microsoft.teamfoundation.testmanagement.controller.dll **" from "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Team Foundation Server 12.0\Tools".

Paste it in "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\IDE\PrivateAssemblies".

Increase the server disk space and Restart the server.