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Enable or Disable O365 Booking and online Payment option using PowerShell

For Office 365 Business Premium, Bookings is already turned on. All you have to do is create and publish your first booking calendar.

To turn it off, go to Office 365 Admin center > Settings > Services & add-ins > Bookings.


**To turn Microsoft Bookings On or Off for your Organization Using PowerShell **

** **Manage this setting by PowerShell Using MSolservice or Exchange PowerShell Module.

If You want to Enable than Use $True and if You Want to disable than $False in the below Cmdlet



**Connect-MsolService                                                                            **


#Enable or disable Booking**

Set-OrganizationConfig -BookingsEnabled **$True                                      **



# Bookings online Payments option**

Set-OrganizationConfig -BookingsPaymentsEnabled **$True                        **




# Bookings Social Sharing option**

Set-OrganizationConfig -BookingsSocialSharingRestricted **$True               **





# Request Staff Approval**

Set-OrganizationConfig -BookingsMembershipApprovalRequired **$True      **