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Azure Resource Groups

Azure Resource Groups, is an important factor and part of the Azure to maintain and manage your resources in Azure. It keeps your resources toghether for easy management, tagging also permissions which is inherited by child resouces in a resouce group.

Resource groups

There are some important factors to consider when defining your resource group:

All the resources in your group should share the same lifecycle. You deploy, update, and delete them together. If one resource, such as a database server, needs to exist on a different deployment cycle it should be in another resource group.

Each resource can only exist in one resource group.

You can add or remove a resource to a resource group at any time.

You can move a resource from one resource group to another group.

A resource group can contain resources that are located in different regions.

A resource group can be used to scope access control for administrative actions.

A resource can interact with resources in other resource groups. This interaction is common when the two resources are related but don't share the same lifecycle (for example, web apps connecting to a database).

Creating a Resouce Group:

To create a resouce group, after logging in the Microsoft Azure Portal on the left pane you can see Resouce Groups menu.

By clicking on that a sub menu we can see as Create by clicking on it creating a Resouce Group for your future resouces would be easy!

And then by selecting the subscription you are moving ahead.