Katana Samples
by Microsoft
Katana Samples
ASP.NET Routes Sample | Source Code
In some applications you will want to hook up OWIN components in the Asp.Net route table side by side with non-OWIN components. This sample shows how to use the RouteCollection extension methods MapOwinPath and MapOwinRoute provided by Microsoft.Owin.Host.SystemWeb.
Branching Pipelines Sample | Source Code
OWIN request processing pipelines do not need to be linear, they can be branched to process requests in different ways. This sample shows how to construct a branching pipeline based on request paths or other request data such as headers. These components are available in the Microsoft.Owin.Mapping nuget package.
Custom Server Sample | Source Code
Shows how to use a custom OWIN server when self-hosting OWIN.
Embedded Sample | Source Code
Some OWIN servers can be run inside of your own process ("self-hosted"). This sample shows how to start an OWIN application using the tools provided by the Microsoft.Owin.Hosting nuget package.
HelloWorld Sample | Source Code
OWIN is a HTTP server API abstraction that enables application portability across various servers. This sample demonstrates how to write a Hello World application using some simple wrappers around the raw OWIN abstraction and run it on a web server like ASP.NET.
Hello World Raw OWIN Sample | Source Code
This sample demonstrates how to write a Hello World application using the raw OWIN abstraction and run it on a web server like Asp.Net.
SignalR Sample | Source Code
Shows how to self-host SignalR using OWIN / Katana. For more info about self-hosting SignalR, see Tutorial: SignalR Self-Host.
Static Files Sample | Source Code
Shows how to support HTTP requests for static files using OWIN / Katana.
Web API | Source Code
This sample shows how to host OWIN in IIS and add Web API to the OWIN pipeline.
Web Socket Sample | Source Code
Shows how to support Web Sockets in OWIN by using the System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocket class.