gRPC health checks in ASP.NET Core


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For the current release, see the .NET 8 version of this article.

By James Newton-King

The gRPC health checking protocol is a standard for reporting the health of gRPC server apps.

Health checks are exposed by an app as a gRPC service. They're typically used with an external monitoring service to check the status of an app. The service can be configured for various real-time monitoring scenarios:

  • Health probes can be used by container orchestrators and load balancers to check an app's status. For example, Kubernetes supports gRPC liveness, readiness and startup probes. Kubernetes can be configured to reroute traffic or restart unhealthy containers based on gRPC health check results.
  • Use of memory, disk, and other physical server resources can be monitored for healthy status.
  • Health checks can test an app's dependencies, such as databases and external service endpoints, to confirm availability and normal functioning.

Set up gRPC health checks

gRPC ASP.NET Core has built-in support for gRPC health checks with the Grpc.AspNetCore.HealthChecks package. Results from .NET health checks are reported to callers.

To set up gRPC health checks in an app:

  • Add a Grpc.AspNetCore.HealthChecks package reference.
  • Register gRPC health checks service:
    • AddGrpcHealthChecks to register services that enable health checks.
    • MapGrpcHealthChecksService to add a health checks service endpoint.
  • Add health checks by implementing IHealthCheck or using the AddCheck method.
using GrpcServiceHC.Services;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Diagnostics.HealthChecks;

var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);

                .AddCheck("Sample", () => HealthCheckResult.Healthy());

var app = builder.Build();


// Code removed for brevity.

When health checks is set up:

  • The health checks service is added to the server app.
  • .NET health checks registered with the app are periodically executed for health results. By default, there's a 5-second delay after app startup, and then health checks are executed every 30 seconds. Health check execution interval can be customized with HealthCheckPublisherOptions.
  • Health results determine what the gRPC service reports:
    • Unknown is reported when there are no health results.
    • NotServing is reported when there are any health results of HealthStatus.Unhealthy.
    • Otherwise, Serving is reported.

Health checks service security

gRPC health checks returns health status about an app, which could be sensitive information. Care should be taken to limit access to the gRPC health checks service.

Access to the service can be controlled through standard ASP.NET Core authorization extension methods, such as AllowAnonymous and RequireAuthorization.

For example, if an app has been configured to require authorization by default, configure the gRPC health checks endpoint with AllowAnonymous to skip authentication and authorization.


Configure Grpc.AspNetCore.HealthChecks

By default, the gRPC health checks service uses all registered health checks to determine health status. gRPC health checks can be customized when registered to use a subset of health checks. The MapService method is used to map health results to service names, along with a predicate for filtering health results:

var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);

builder.Services.AddGrpcHealthChecks(o =>
    o.Services.MapService("", r => r.Tags.Contains("public"));

var app = builder.Build();

The preceding code overrides the default service ("") to only use health results with the "public" tag.

gRPC health checks supports the client specifying a service name argument when checking health. Multiple services are supported by providing a service name to MapService:

var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);

builder.Services.AddGrpcHealthChecks(o =>
    o.Services.MapService("greet.Greeter", r => r.Tags.Contains("greeter"));
    o.Services.MapService("count.Counter", r => r.Tags.Contains("counter"));

var app = builder.Build();

The service name specified by the client is usually the default ("") or a package-qualified name of a service in your app. However, nothing prevents the client using arbitrary values to check app health.

Configure health checks execution interval

Health checks are run immediately when Check is called. Watch is a streaming method and has a different behavior than Check: The long running stream reports health checks results over time by periodically executing IHealthCheckPublisher to gather health results. By default, the publisher:

  • Waits 5 seconds after app startup before running health checks.
  • Runs health checks every 30 seconds.

Publisher intervals can be configured using HealthCheckPublisherOptions at startup:

builder.Services.Configure<HealthCheckPublisherOptions>(options =>
    options.Delay = TimeSpan.Zero;
    options.Period = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10);

Call gRPC health checks service

The Grpc.HealthCheck package includes a client for gRPC health checks:

var channel = GrpcChannel.ForAddress("https://localhost:5001");
var client = new Health.HealthClient(channel);

var response = await client.CheckAsync(new HealthCheckRequest());
var status = response.Status;

There are two methods on the Health service:

  • Check is a unary method for getting the current health status. Health checks are executed immediately when Check is called. The server returns a NOT_FOUND error response if the client requests an unknown service name. This can happen at app startup if health results haven't been published yet.
  • Watch is a streaming method that reports changes in health status over time. IHealthCheckPublisher is periodically executed to gather health results. The server returns an Unknown status if the client requests an unknown service name.

The Grpc.HealthCheck client can be used in a client factory approach:

    .AddGrpcClient<Health.HealthClient>(o =>
        o.Address = new Uri("https://localhost:5001");

In the previous example, a client factory for Health.HealthClient instances is registered with the dependency injection system. Then, these instances are injected into services for executing health check calls.

For more information, see gRPC client factory integration in .NET.

Additional resources

By James Newton-King

The gRPC health checking protocol is a standard for reporting the health of gRPC server apps.

Health checks are exposed by an app as a gRPC service. They are typically used with an external monitoring service to check the status of an app. The service can be configured for various real-time monitoring scenarios:

  • Health probes can be used by container orchestrators and load balancers to check an app's status. For example, Kubernetes supports gRPC liveness, readiness and startup probes. Kubernetes can be configured to reroute traffic or restart unhealthy containers based on gRPC health check results.
  • Use of memory, disk, and other physical server resources can be monitored for healthy status.
  • Health checks can test an app's dependencies, such as databases and external service endpoints, to confirm availability and normal functioning.

Set up gRPC health checks

gRPC ASP.NET Core has built-in support for gRPC health checks with the Grpc.AspNetCore.HealthChecks package. Results from .NET health checks are reported to callers.

To set up gRPC health checks in an app:

  • Add a Grpc.AspNetCore.HealthChecks package reference.
  • Register gRPC health checks service in Startup.cs:
    • AddGrpcHealthChecks to register services that enable health checks.
    • MapGrpcHealthChecksService to add a health checks service endpoint.
  • Add health checks by implementing IHealthCheck or using the AddCheck method.
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
        .AddCheck("Sample", () => HealthCheckResult.Healthy());

public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IWebHostEnvironment env)
    app.UseEndpoints(endpoints =>

When health checks is set up:

  • The health checks service is added to the server app.
  • .NET health checks registered with the app are periodically executed for health results. By default, there is a 5 second delay after app startup, and then health checks are executed every 30 seconds. Health check execution interval can be customized with HealthCheckPublisherOptions.
  • Health results determine what the gRPC service reports:
    • Unknown is reported when there are no health results.
    • NotServing is reported when there are any health results of HealthStatus.Unhealthy.
    • Otherwise, Serving is reported.

Configure Grpc.AspNetCore.HealthChecks

By default, the gRPC health checks service uses all registered health checks to determine health status. gRPC health checks can be customized when registered to use a subset of health checks. The MapService method is used to map health results to service names, along with a predicate for filtering health results:

services.AddGrpcHealthChecks(o =>
    o.Services.MapService("", r => r.Tags.Contains("public"));

The preceding code overrides the default service ("") to only use health results with the "public" tag.

gRPC health checks supports the client specifying a service name argument when checking health. Multiple services are supported by providing a service name to MapService:

services.AddGrpcHealthChecks(o =>
    o.Services.MapService("greet.Greeter", r => r.Tags.Contains("greeter"));
    o.Services.MapService("count.Counter", r => r.Tags.Contains("counter"));

The service name specified by the client is usually the default ("") or a package-qualified name of a service in your app. However, nothing prevents the client using arbitrary values to check app health.

Configure health checks execution interval

Health checks are run immediately when Check is called. Watch is a streaming method and has a different behavior than Check: The long running stream reports health checks results over time by periodically executing IHealthCheckPublisher to gather health results. By default, the publisher:

  • Waits 5 seconds after app startup before running health checks.
  • Runs health checks every 30 seconds.

Publisher intervals can be configured using HealthCheckPublisherOptions at startup:

services.Configure<HealthCheckPublisherOptions>(options =>
    options.Delay = TimeSpan.Zero;
    options.Period = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10);

Call gRPC health checks service

The Grpc.HealthCheck package includes a client for gRPC health checks:

var channel = GrpcChannel.ForAddress("https://localhost:5001");
var client = new Health.HealthClient(channel);

var response = client.CheckAsync(new HealthCheckRequest());
var status = response.Status;

There are two methods on the Health service:

  • Check is a unary method for getting the current health status. Health checks are executed immediately when Check is called. The server returns a NOT_FOUND error response if the client requests an unknown service name. This can happen at app startup if health results haven't been published yet.
  • Watch is a streaming method that reports changes in health status over time. IHealthCheckPublisher is periodically executed to gather health results. The server returns an Unknown status if the client requests an unknown service name.

Additional resources