Application notes

Application notes provide extended guidance around specific scenarios and use cases, building on and linking to other documentation and samples. They describe patterns and best practices for developing and integrating Azure Sphere solutions into products and services. We plan to add more application notes over time based on customer feedback, and welcome suggestions for additional topics through either the Azure Sphere Community forum or the Feedback options at the bottom of this page.

Application Note Description
Best practices for remote troubleshooting of Azure Sphere devices Describes how to triage and diagnose Azure Sphere device issues using an included set of questions and flowcharts.
Downstream OTA Update Describes various approaches to using Azure Sphere to provide downstream devices with over-the-air updates
Obtain Azure Sphere device debug output Describes how to get debug output during application development with and without a debug connection to Visual Studio/Code
Production-ready applications Describes recommended practices to verify that your high-level or real-time Azure Sphere applications are ready for pilot or production deployment
Wi-Fi configuration options Describes options for provisioning WiFi on an Azure Sphere device