Fix known issues and errors when uninstalling AKS Arc

Applies to: AKS on Azure Stack HCI, AKS on Windows Server Use this topic to help you troubleshoot and resolve issues when uninstalling AKS Arc.

Uninstall-AksHCI does not clean up cluster resources ('ownergroup ca-<GUID>')

Due to insufficient permissions in Active Directory, Uninstall-AksHci could not remove cluster resource objects in Active Directory, which can lead to failures in subsequent deployments.

To fix this issue, ensure that the user performing the installation has Full Control permissions to create/modify/remove Active Directory objects in the Active Directory container in which the server and service objects are created.

Uninstall-AksHciAdAuth fails with the error '[Error from server (NotFound): secrets "keytab-akshci-scale-reliability" not found]'

If Uninstall-AksHciAdAuth displays this error, you should ignore it for now as this issue will be fixed.

This issue will be fixed.

Running the Remove-ClusterNode command evicts the node from the failover cluster, but the node still exists

When running the Remove-ClusterNode command, the node is evicted from the failover cluster, but if Remove-AksHciNode is not run afterwards, the node will still exist in CloudAgent.

Since the node was removed from the cluster, but not from CloudAgent, if you use the VHD to create a new node, a File not found error appears. This issue occurs because the VHD is in shared storage, and the evicted node does not have access to it.

To resolve this issue, remove a physical node from the cluster and then follow the steps below:

  1. Run Remove-AksHciNode to de-register the node from CloudAgent.
  2. Perform routine maintenance, such as re-imaging the machine.
  3. Add the node back to the cluster.
  4. Run Add-AksHciNode to register the node with CloudAgent.

Running Remove-AksHciCluster results in the error: 'Error: unable to delete group clustergroup-spdb:...'

When running Remove-AksHciCluster, the following error occurs because there may be a deadlock:

Error: unable to delete group clustergroup-spdb: failed to delete group clustergroup-spdb: rpc error: code = DeadlineExceeded desc = context deadline exceeded

To resolve this issue, restart CloudAgent.

When using kubectl to delete a node, the associated VM might not be deleted

You'll see this issue if you follow these steps:

  1. Create a Kubernetes cluster.
  2. Scale the cluster to more than two nodes.
  3. Delete a node by running the following command:
kubectl delete node <node-name>
  1. Return a list of the nodes by running the following command:
kubectl get nodes

The removed node isn't listed in the output. 5. Open a PowerShell with administrative privileges and run the following command:


The removed node is still listed.

This failure causes the system not to recognize that the node is missing, and therefore, a new node will not spin up.

Running Remove-AksHciCluster results in the error: 'A workload cluster with the name 'my-workload-cluster' was not found'

You may encounter this error when running Remove-AksHciCluster.

Check to make sure you have used the correct information for removing the cluster.

Error occurs when running Uninstall-AksHci and AKS on Azure Stack HCI is not installed

If you run Uninstall-AksHci when AKS on Azure Stack HCI is not installed, you'll receive the error message: Cannot bind argument to parameter 'Path' because it is null.

You can safely ignore the error message as there is no functional impact.