Deploy for target environments

This article describes the actions that are required to complete the installation of the target environment.


Azure Site Recovery on Azure Stack Hub requires Azure Stack Hub in a supported version (at least 1.2301.2.58).


For the installation of these services, you must obtain one public key infrastructure (PKI) SSL certificate. The Subject Alternative Name (SAN) must adhere to the naming pattern described in PKI certificate requirements:

  • For the Azure Site Recovery resource provider: *.asr.<region>.<fqdn>.

Once this certificate is ready, installation on the target requires that you download the resource provider from Marketplace Management, and start the installation.


The Azure Site Recovery resource provider manages the DNS zone creation. If you are required to create a new DNS entry during the creation of the SSL certificate, make sure to remove the DNS entry after the certificate is issued. Failing to remove this entry might mean it has a preference over the one created by the Site Recovery resource provider, and the installation of Azure Site Recovery will fail.

Download and install the package

Before installing or updating a resource provider, you must download the required packages to the Azure Stack Hub Marketplace Management. The download process varies, depending on whether your Azure Stack Hub instance is connected to the internet, or disconnected.


The download process can take 30 minutes to 2 hours, depending on the network latency and existing packages on your Azure Stack Hub instance.

Disconnected scenario

For a disconnected or partially connected scenario, download the packages to your local machine, then import them into your Azure Stack Hub Marketplace:

  1. Follow the instructions inĀ Download Marketplace items - Disconnected or partially connected scenario. Download and run the Marketplace Syndication tool, which enables you to download resource provider packages.
  2. After the Azure Marketplace Items syndication tool window opens, find and select the name of the resource provider to download the required packages to your local machine.
  3. Once the download finishes, import the packages to your Azure Stack Hub instance and publish to the Marketplace.

Connected scenario

For a connected scenario, download the items from Azure Marketplace directly to the Azure Stack Hub Marketplace:

  1. Sign in to the Azure Stack Hub administrator portal.

  2. Select Marketplace Management on the left-hand side.

  3. Select Resource providers.

  4. Select + Add from Azure.

  5. Search for the Azure Site Recovery resource provider using the search bar.

    Screenshot of target's add from Azure screen.

  6. Download the resource provider.

  7. Once it's downloaded, start the resource provider installation. You are asked for the certificate you generated in the Prerequisites section.

    Screenshot of portal install prerequisites screen.

  8. The installation of the resource provider (Azure Site Recovery) takes between 1.5 and 3 hours to complete.

    Screenshot of installed resource providers from portal.

Create plans and offers

Once Azure Site Recovery on Azure Stack Hub is installed, the next step is to ensure that users have the correct offers assigned to their respective Azure Stack Hub user subscriptions.

The process is similar to Create an offer in Azure Stack Hub, and you must add the respective Microsoft.DataReplication service to the plan you intend to use. This can be either a plan to a new offer, or used as an add-on to an existing offer:

Screenshot showing new plans added.

The Microsoft.DataReplication service does not enforce any quotas. Instead, you can rely on the existing quotas (for VM, Compute, Storage, and so on) to ensure that users can create whatever resources they are allowed to create, conforming with the capacity planning in place.

Azure Stack Hub user subscription

After the installation of the Azure Site Recovery resource provider and the assignment of the correct plans to the Azure Stack Hub user subscriptions, the owner of this user subscription must do the following:

  • Make sure the subscription has the following namespaces registered: Microsoft.DataReplication, Microsoft.Compute, Microsoft.Storage, Microsoft.Network, Microsoft.KeyVault.

    Screenshot showing registered resource providers.

  • Once these are configured, the users of this subscription are ready to create an Azure Site Recovery Vault and start protecting workloads.

Create the Site Recovery Vault

In the target environment, in the Azure Stack Hub user subscription in which you plan to protect workloads, the user must create a Site Recovery Vault. A vault is a storage entity in the Azure Stack Hub target environment that contains data. The data are typically copies of data, or configuration information for VMs.


Azure Site Recovery on Azure Stack Hub enables one vault per Site Recovery replication appliance. If you delete a Site Recovery replication appliance, make sure to also remove the vault with which it was associated.

To create a new vault, open the Azure Stack Hub user portal, select Create new resource, and then select the Azure Site Recovery items in the Compute category:

Screenshot of create a resource screen.

Provide a resource group and a name for the new recovery vault. Once created, you can open the vault to access the properties required in the Site Recovery VM appliance. In the recovery vault, you can either select Protect Workload or on the left-hand side, select the Replicated items blade.

Screenshot showing vault options.

In the Replicated items blade, you can select Set up a new replication appliance. This provides a registration key that you can use to configure the Site Recovery VM appliance (in the source environment):

Screenshot showing new appliance setup on portal.

With this key you are ready to start the deployment source environment and configure the Azure Site Recovery VM appliance.

Next steps

  • Azure Site Recovery overview