How to run Multivariate Anomaly Detector API in Postman?


Starting on the 20th of September, 2023 you won’t be able to create new Anomaly Detector resources. The Anomaly Detector service is being retired on the 1st of October, 2026.

This article will walk you through the process of using Postman to access the Multivariate Anomaly Detection REST API.

Getting started

Select this button to fork the API collection in Postman and follow the steps in this article to test.

Run in Postman

Multivariate Anomaly Detector API

  1. Select environment as MVAD.

    Screenshot of Postman UI with MVAD selected.

  2. Select Environment, paste your Anomaly Detector endpoint, key and dataSource url into the CURRENT VALUE column, select Save to let the variables take effect.

    Screenshot of Postman UI with key, endpoint, and datasource filled in.

  3. Select Collections, and select the first API - Create and train a model, then select Send.


    If your data is one CSV file, please set the dataSchema as OneTable, if your data is multiple CSV files in a folder, please set the dataSchema as MultiTable.

    Screenshot of create and train POST request.

  4. In the response of the first API, copy the modelId and paste it in the modelId in Environments, select Save. Then go to Collections, select Get model status, and select Send. GIF of process of copying model identifier

  5. Select Batch Detection, and select Send. This API will trigger a synchronous inference task, and you should use the Get batch detection results API several times to get the status and the final results.

    Screenshot of batch detection POST request.

  6. In the response, copy the resultId and paste it in the resultId in Environments, select Save. Then go to Collections, select Get batch detection results, and select Send.

    GIF of process of copying result identifier

  7. For the rest of the APIs calls, select each and then select Send to test out their request and response.

    Screenshot of detect last POST result.

Next Steps