Content safety tool for flows in Azure AI Studio


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The prompt flow Content Safety tool enables you to use Azure AI Content Safety in Azure AI Studio.

Azure AI Content Safety is a content moderation service that helps detect harmful content from different modalities and languages. For more information, see Azure AI Content Safety.


To create an Azure Content Safety connection:

  1. Sign in to Azure AI Studio.
  2. Go to Project settings > Connections.
  3. Select + New connection.
  4. Complete all steps in the Create a new connection dialog. You can use an Azure AI Studio hub or Azure AI Content Safety resource. We recommend that you use a hub that supports multiple Azure AI services.

Build with the Content Safety tool

  1. Create or open a flow in Azure AI Studio. For more information, see Create a flow.

  2. Select + More tools > Content Safety (Text) to add the Content Safety tool to your flow.

    Screenshot that shows the Content Safety tool added to a flow in Azure AI Studio.

  3. Select the connection to one of your provisioned resources. For example, select AzureAIContentSafetyConnection if you created a connection with that name. For more information, see Prerequisites.

  4. Enter values for the Content Safety tool input parameters described in the Inputs table.

  5. Add more tools to your flow, as needed. Or select Run to run the flow.

  6. The outputs are described in the Outputs table.


The following input parameters are available.

Name Type Description Required
text string The text that needs to be moderated. Yes
hate_category string The moderation sensitivity for the Hate category. You can choose from four options: disable, low_sensitivity, medium_sensitivity, or high_sensitivity. The disable option means no moderation for the Hate category. The other three options mean different degrees of strictness in filtering out hate content. The default option is medium_sensitivity. Yes
sexual_category string The moderation sensitivity for the Sexual category. You can choose from four options: disable, low_sensitivity, medium_sensitivity, or high_sensitivity. The disable option means no moderation for the Sexual category. The other three options mean different degrees of strictness in filtering out sexual content. The default option is medium_sensitivity. Yes
self_harm_category string The moderation sensitivity for the Self-harm category. You can choose from four options: disable, low_sensitivity, medium_sensitivity, or high_sensitivity. The disable option means no moderation for the Self-harm category. The other three options mean different degrees of strictness in filtering out self-harm content. The default option is medium_sensitivity. Yes
violence_category string The moderation sensitivity for the Violence category. You can choose from four options: disable, low_sensitivity, medium_sensitivity, or high_sensitivity. The disable option means no moderation for the Violence category. The other three options mean different degrees of strictness in filtering out violence content. The default option is medium_sensitivity. Yes


The following JSON format response is an example returned by the tool:

    "action_by_category": {
      "Hate": "Accept",
      "SelfHarm": "Accept",
      "Sexual": "Accept",
      "Violence": "Accept"
    "suggested_action": "Accept"

You can use the following parameters as inputs for this tool.

Name Type Description
action_by_category string A binary value for each category: Accept or Reject. This value shows if the text meets the sensitivity level that you set in the request parameters for that category.
suggested_action string An overall recommendation based on the four categories. If any category has a Reject value, suggested_action is also Reject.

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