Vector DB Lookup tool for flows in Azure AI Studio


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Vector, Vector DB and Faiss Index Lookup tools are deprecated and will be retired soon. Migrated to the new Index Lookup tool (preview).

The prompt flow Vector DB Lookup tool is a vector search tool that allows users to search top-k similar vectors from vector database. This tool is a wrapper for multiple third-party vector databases. The list of current supported databases is as follows.

Name Description
Azure AI Search Microsoft's cloud search service with built-in AI capabilities that enrich all types of information to help identify and explore relevant content at scale.
Qdrant Qdrant is a vector similarity search engine that provides a production-ready service. Qdrant has a convenient API that can be used to store, search and manage points (that is, vectors) with an extra payload.
Weaviate Weaviate is an open source vector database that stores both objects and vectors. Vector search can be combined with structured filtering.


The tool searches data from a third-party vector database. To use it, you should create resources in advance and establish connection between the tool and the resource.

Azure AI Search:

  • Create resource Azure AI Search.
  • Add an Azure AI Search connection. Fill "API key" field with "Primary admin key" from "Keys" section of created resource, and fill "API base" field with the URL, the URL format is https://{your_serive_name}


  • Follow the installation to deploy Qdrant to a self-maintained cloud server.
  • Add "Qdrant" connection. Fill "API base" with your self-maintained cloud server address and fill "API key" field.


  • Follow the installation to deploy Weaviate to a self-maintained instance.
  • Add "Weaviate" connection. Fill "API base" with your self-maintained instance address and fill "API key" field.

Build with the Vector DB Lookup tool

  1. Create or open a flow in Azure AI Studio. For more information, see Create a flow.

  2. Select + More tools > Vector DB Lookup to add the Vector DB Lookup tool to your flow.

    Screenshot of the Vector DB Lookup tool added to a flow in Azure AI Studio.

  3. Select the connection to one of your provisioned resources. For example, select CognitiveSearchConnection.

  4. Enter values for the Vector DB Lookup tool input parameters described here.

  5. Add more tools to your flow as needed, or select Run to run the flow.

  6. The outputs are described here.


The tool accepts the following inputs:


The JSON output includes the top-k scored entities. The entity follows a generic schema of vector search result provided by the promptflow-vectordb SDK.

Azure AI Search inputs

Name Type Description Required
connection CognitiveSearchConnection The created connection for access to the Azure AI Search endpoint. Yes
index_name string The index name created in an Azure AI Search resource. Yes
text_field string The text field name. The returned text field populates the text of output. No
vector_field string The vector field name. The target vector is searched in this vector field. Yes
search_params dict The search parameters. It's key-value pairs. Except for parameters in the tool input list mentioned previously, more search parameters can be formed into a JSON object as search_params. For example, use {"select": ""} as search_params to select the returned fields, use {"search": ""} to perform a hybrid search. No
search_filters dict The search filters. It's key-value pairs, the input format is like {"filter": ""} No
vector list The target vector to be queried. The Vector DB Lookup tool can generate this vector. Yes
top_k int The count of top-scored entities to return. Default value is 3 No

Azure AI Search outputs

For Azure AI Search, the following fields are populated:

Field Name Type Description
original_entity dict the original response json from search REST API
score float @search.score from the original entity, which evaluates the similarity between the entity and the query vector
text string text of the entity
vector list vector of the entity
    "metadata": null,
    "original_entity": {
      "@search.score": 0.5099789,
      "id": "",
      "your_text_filed_name": "sample text1",
      "your_vector_filed_name": [-0.40517663431890405, 0.5856996257406859, -0.1593078462266455, -0.9776269170785785, -0.6145604369828972],
      "your_additional_field_name": ""
    "score": 0.5099789,
    "text": "sample text1",
    "vector": [-0.40517663431890405, 0.5856996257406859, -0.1593078462266455, -0.9776269170785785, -0.6145604369828972]


Qdrant inputs

Name Type Description Required
connection QdrantConnection The created connection for accessing to Qdrant server. Yes
collection_name string The collection name created in self-maintained cloud server. Yes
text_field string The text field name. The returned text field populates the text of output. No
search_params dict The search parameters can be formed into a JSON object as search_params. For example, use {"params": {"hnsw_ef": 0, "exact": false, "quantization": null}} to set search_params. No
search_filters dict The search filters. It's key-value pairs, the input format is like {"filter": {"should": [{"key": "", "match": {"value": ""}}]}} No
vector list The target vector to be queried. The Vector DB Lookup tool can generate this vector. Yes
top_k int The count of top-scored entities to return. Default value is 3 No

Qdrant outputs

For Qdrant, the following fields are populated:

Field Name Type Description
original_entity dict the original response json from search REST API
metadata dict payload from the original entity
score float score from the original entity, which evaluates the similarity between the entity and the query vector
text string text of the payload
vector list vector of the entity
    "metadata": {
      "text": "sample text1"
    "original_entity": {
      "id": 1,
      "payload": {
        "text": "sample text1"
      "score": 1,
      "vector": [0.18257418, 0.36514837, 0.5477226, 0.73029673],
      "version": 0
    "score": 1,
    "text": "sample text1",
    "vector": [0.18257418, 0.36514837, 0.5477226, 0.73029673]


Weaviate inputs

Name Type Description Required
connection WeaviateConnection The created connection for accessing to Weaviate. Yes
class_name string The class name. Yes
text_field string The text field name. The returned text field populates the text of output. No
vector list The target vector to be queried. The Vector DB Lookup tool can generate this vector. Yes
top_k int The count of top-scored entities to return. Default value is 3 No

Weaviate outputs

For Weaviate, the following fields are populated:

Field Name Type Description
original_entity dict the original response json from search REST API
score float certainty from the original entity, which evaluates the similarity between the entity and the query vector
text string text in the original entity
vector list vector of the entity
    "metadata": null,
    "original_entity": {
      "_additional": {
        "certainty": 1,
        "distance": 0,
        "vector": [
      "text": "sample text1."
    "score": 1,
    "text": "sample text1.",
    "vector": [

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