Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) Ubuntu image alignment with Center for Internet Security (CIS) benchmark

As a secure service, Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) complies with SOC, ISO, PCI DSS, and HIPAA standards. This article covers the security OS configuration applied to Ubuntu image used by AKS. This security configuration is based on the Azure Linux security baseline, which aligns with CIS benchmark. For more information about AKS security, see Security concepts for applications and clusters in Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS). For more information about AKS security, see Security concepts for applications and clusters in Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS). For more information on the CIS benchmark, see Center for Internet Security (CIS) Benchmarks. For more information on the Azure security baselines for Linux, see Linux security baseline.

Ubuntu LTS 18.04

AKS clusters are deployed on host virtual machines, which run an operating system with built-in secure configurations. This operating system is used for containers running on AKS. This host operating system is based on an Ubuntu 18.04.LTS image with security configurations applied.

As a part of the security-optimized operating system:

  • AKS provides a security-optimized host OS by default, but no option to select an alternate operating system.
  • The security-optimized host OS is built and maintained specifically for AKS and is not supported outside of the AKS platform.
  • Some unnecessary kernel module drivers have been disabled in the OS to reduce the attack surface area.


Unrelated to the CIS benchmarks, Azure applies daily patches, including security patches, to AKS virtual machine hosts.

The goal of the secure configuration built into the host OS is to reduce the surface area of attack and optimize for the deployment of containers in a secure manner.

The following are the results from the CIS Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Benchmark v2.1.0 recommendations.

Recommendations can have one of the following reasons:

  • Potential Operation Impact - Recommendation wasn't applied because it would have a negative effect on the service.
  • Covered Elsewhere - Recommendation is covered by another control in Azure cloud compute.

The following are CIS rules implemented:

CIS paragraph number Recommendation description Status Reason
1 Initial Setup
1.1 Filesystem Configuration
1.1.1 Disable unused filesystems Ensure mounting of cramfs filesystems is disabled Pass Ensure mounting of freevxfs filesystems is disabled Pass Ensure mounting of jffs2 filesystems is disabled Pass Ensure mounting of hfs filesystems is disabled Pass Ensure mounting of hfsplus filesystems is disabled Pass Ensure mounting of udf filesystems is disabled Fail Potential Operational Impact
1.1.2 Ensure /tmp is configured Fail
1.1.3 Ensure nodev option set on /tmp partition Fail
1.1.4 Ensure nosuid option set on /tmp partition Pass
1.1.5 Ensure noexec option set on /tmp partition Pass
1.1.6 Ensure /dev/shm is configured Pass
1.1.7 Ensure nodev option set on /dev/shm partition Pass
1.1.8 Ensure nosuid option set on /dev/shm partition Pass
1.1.9 Ensure noexec option set on /dev/shm partition Fail Potential Operational Impact
1.1.12 Ensure /var/tmp partition includes the nodev option Pass
1.1.13 Ensure /var/tmp partition includes the nosuid option Pass
1.1.14 Ensure /var/tmp partition includes the noexec option Pass
1.1.18 Ensure /home partition includes the nodev option Pass
1.1.19 Ensure nodev option set on removable media partitions Not Applicable
1.1.20 Ensure nosuid option set on removable media partitions Not Applicable
1.1.21 Ensure noexec option set on removable media partitions Not Applicable
1.1.22 Ensure sticky bit is set on all world-writable directories Fail Potential Operation Impact
1.1.23 Disable Automounting Pass
1.1.24 Disable USB Storage Pass
1.2 Configure Software Updates
1.2.1 Ensure package manager repositories are configured Pass Covered Elsewhere
1.2.2 Ensure GPG keys are configured Not Applicable
1.3 Filesystem Integrity Checking
1.3.1 Ensure AIDE is installed Fail Covered Elsewhere
1.3.2 Ensure filesystem integrity is regularly checked Fail Covered Elsewhere
1.4 Secure Boot Settings
1.4.1 Ensure permissions on bootloader config aren't overridden Fail
1.4.2 Ensure bootloader password is set Fail Not Applicable
1.4.3 Ensure permissions on bootloader config are configured Fail
1.4.4 Ensure authentication required for single user mode Fail Not Applicable
1.5 Additional Process Hardening
1.5.1 Ensure XD/NX support is enabled Not Applicable
1.5.2 Ensure address space layout randomization (ASLR) is enabled Pass
1.5.3 Ensure prelink is disabled Pass
1.5.4 Ensure core dumps are restricted Pass
1.6 Mandatory Access Control
1.6.1 Configure AppArmor Ensure AppArmor is installed Pass Ensure AppArmor is enabled in the bootloader configuration Fail Potential Operation Impact Ensure all AppArmor Profiles are in enforce or complain mode Pass
1.7 Command Line Warning Banners
1.7.1 Ensure message of the day is configured properly Pass
1.7.2 Ensure permissions on /etc/ are configured Pass
1.7.3 Ensure permissions on /etc/issue are configured Pass
1.7.4 Ensure permissions on /etc/motd are configured Pass
1.7.5 Ensure remote login warning banner is configured properly Pass
1.7.6 Ensure local login warning banner is configured properly Pass
1.8 GNOME Display Manager
1.8.2 Ensure GDM login banner is configured Pass
1.8.3 Ensure disable-user-list is enabled Pass
1.8.4 Ensure XDCMP isn't enabled Pass
1.9 Ensure updates, patches, and additional security software are installed Pass
2 Services
2.1 Special Purpose Services
2.1.1 Time Synchronization Ensure time synchronization is in use Pass Ensure systemd-timesyncd is configured Not Applicable AKS uses ntpd for timesync Ensure chrony is configured Fail Covered Elsewhere Ensure ntp is configured Pass
2.1.2 Ensure X Window System isn't installed Pass
2.1.3 Ensure Avahi Server isn't installed Pass
2.1.4 Ensure CUPS isn't installed Pass
2.1.5 Ensure DHCP Server isn't installed Pass
2.1.6 Ensure LDAP server isn't installed Pass
2.1.7 Ensure NFS isn't installed Pass
2.1.8 Ensure DNS Server isn't installed Pass
2.1.9 Ensure FTP Server isn't installed Pass
2.1.10 Ensure HTTP server isn't installed Pass
2.1.11 Ensure IMAP and POP3 server aren't installed Pass
2.1.12 Ensure Samba isn't installed Pass
2.1.13 Ensure HTTP Proxy Server isn't installed Pass
2.1.14 Ensure SNMP Server isn't installed Pass
2.1.15 Ensure mail transfer agent is configured for local-only mode Pass
2.1.16 Ensure rsync service isn't installed Fail
2.1.17 Ensure NIS Server isn't installed Pass
2.2 Service Clients
2.2.1 Ensure NIS Client isn't installed Pass
2.2.2 Ensure rsh client isn't installed Pass
2.2.3 Ensure talk client isn't installed Pass
2.2.4 Ensure telnet client isn't installed Fail
2.2.5 Ensure LDAP client isn't installed Pass
2.2.6 Ensure RPC isn't installed Fail Potential Operational Impact
2.3 Ensure nonessential services are removed or masked Pass
3 Network Configuration
3.1 Disable unused network protocols and devices
3.1.2 Ensure wireless interfaces are disabled Pass
3.2 Network Parameters (Host Only)
3.2.1 Ensure packet redirect sending is disabled Pass
3.2.2 Ensure IP forwarding is disabled Fail Not Applicable
3.3 Network Parameters (Host and Router)
3.3.1 Ensure source routed packets aren't accepted Pass
3.3.2 Ensure ICMP redirects aren't accepted Pass
3.3.3 Ensure secure ICMP redirects aren't accepted Pass
3.3.4 Ensure suspicious packets are logged Pass
3.3.5 Ensure broadcast ICMP requests are ignored Pass
3.3.6 Ensure bogus ICMP responses are ignored Pass
3.3.7 Ensure Reverse Path Filtering is enabled Pass
3.3.8 Ensure TCP SYN Cookies is enabled Pass
3.3.9 Ensure IPv6 router advertisements aren't accepted Pass
3.4 Uncommon Network Protocols
3.5 Firewall Configuration
3.5.1 Configure UncomplicatedFirewall Ensure ufw is installed Pass Ensure iptables-persistent is not installed with ufw Pass Ensure ufw service is enabled Fail Covered Elsewhere Ensure ufw loopback traffic is configured Fail Covered Elsewhere Ensure ufw outbound connections are configured Not Applicable Covered Elsewhere Ensure ufw firewall rules exist for all open ports Not Applicable Covered Elsewhere Ensure ufw default deny firewall policy Fail Covered Elsewhere
3.5.2 Configure nftables Ensure nftables is installed Fail Covered Elsewhere Ensure ufw is uninstalled or disabled with nftables Fail Covered Elsewhere Ensure iptables are flushed with nftables Not Applicable Covered Elsewhere Ensure a nftables table exists Fail Covered Elsewhere Ensure nftables base chains exist Fail Covered Elsewhere Ensure nftables loopback traffic is configured Fail Covered Elsewhere Ensure nftables outbound and established connections are configured Not Applicable Covered Elsewhere Ensure nftables default deny firewall policy Fail Covered Elsewhere Ensure nftables service is enabled Fail Covered Elsewhere Ensure nftables rules are permanent Fail Covered Elsewhere
3.5.3 Configure iptables Configure iptables software Ensure iptables packages are installed Fail Covered Elsewhere Ensure nftables is not installed with iptables Pass Ensure ufw is uninstalled or disabled with iptables Fail Covered Elsewhere Configure IPv4 iptables Ensure iptables default deny firewall policy Fail Covered Elsewhere Ensure iptables loopback traffic is configured Fail Not Applicable Ensure iptables outbound and established connections are configured Not Applicable Ensure iptables firewall rules exist for all open ports Fail Potential Operation Impact Configure IPv6 ip6tables Ensure ip6tables default deny firewall policy Fail Covered Elsewhere Ensure ip6tables loopback traffic is configured Fail Covered Elsewhere Ensure ip6tables outbound and established connections are configured Not Applicable Covered Elsewhere Ensure ip6tables firewall rules exist for all open ports Fail Covered Elsewhere
4 Logging and Auditing
4.1 Configure System Accounting (auditd) Ensure auditing is enabled
4.1.2 Configure Data Retention
4.2 Configure Logging
4.2.1 Configure rsyslog Ensure rsyslog is installed Pass Ensure rsyslog Service is enabled Pass Ensure logging is configured Pass Ensure rsyslog default file permissions configured Pass Ensure rsyslog is configured to send logs to a remote log host Fail Covered Elsewhere Ensure remote rsyslog messages are only accepted on designated log hosts. Not Applicable
4.2.2 Configure journald Ensure journald is configured to send logs to rsyslog Pass Ensure journald is configured to compress large log files Fail Ensure journald is configured to write logfiles to persistent disk Pass
4.2.3 Ensure permissions on all logfiles are configured Fail
4.3 Ensure logrotate is configured Pass
4.4 Ensure logrotate assigns appropriate permissions Fail
5 Access, Authentication, and Authorization
5.1 Configure time-based job schedulers
5.1.1 Ensure cron daemon is enabled and running Pass
5.1.2 Ensure permissions on /etc/crontab are configured Pass
5.1.3 Ensure permissions on /etc/cron.hourly are configured Pass
5.1.4 Ensure permissions on /etc/cron.daily are configured Pass
5.1.5 Ensure permissions on /etc/cron.weekly are configured Pass
5.1.6 Ensure permissions on /etc/cron.monthly are configured Pass
5.1.7 Ensure permissions on /etc/cron.d are configured Pass
5.1.8 Ensure cron is restricted to authorized users Fail
5.1.9 Ensure at is restricted to authorized users Fail
5.2 Configure sudo
5.2.1 Ensure sudo is installed Pass
5.2.2 Ensure sudo commands use pty Fail Potential Operational Impact
5.2.3 Ensure sudo log file exists Fail
5.3 Configure SSH Server
5.3.1 Ensure permissions on /etc/ssh/sshd_config are configured Pass
5.3.2 Ensure permissions on SSH private host key files are configured Pass
5.3.3 Ensure permissions on SSH public host key files are configured Pass
5.3.4 Ensure SSH access is limited Pass
5.3.5 Ensure SSH LogLevel is appropriate Pass
5.3.7 Ensure SSH MaxAuthTries is set to 4 or less Pass
5.3.8 Ensure SSH IgnoreRhosts is enabled Pass
5.3.9 Ensure SSH HostbasedAuthentication is disabled Pass
5.3.10 Ensure SSH root login is disabled Pass
5.3.11 Ensure SSH PermitEmptyPasswords is disabled Pass
5.3.12 Ensure SSH PermitUserEnvironment is disabled Pass
5.3.13 Ensure only strong Ciphers are used Pass
5.3.14 Ensure only strong MAC algorithms are used Pass
5.3.15 Ensure only strong Key Exchange algorithms are used Pass
5.3.16 Ensure SSH Idle Timeout Interval is configured Fail
5.3.17 Ensure SSH LoginGraceTime is set to one minute or less Pass
5.3.18 Ensure SSH warning banner is configured Pass
5.3.19 Ensure SSH PAM is enabled Pass
5.3.21 Ensure SSH MaxStartups is configured Fail
5.3.22 Ensure SSH MaxSessions is limited Pass
5.4 Configure PAM
5.4.1 Ensure password creation requirements are configured Pass
5.4.2 Ensure lockout for failed password attempts is configured Fail
5.4.3 Ensure password reuse is limited Fail
5.4.4 Ensure password hashing algorithm is SHA-512 Pass
5.5 User Accounts and Environment
5.5.1 Set Shadow Password Suite Parameters Ensure minimum days between password changes is configured Pass Ensure password expiration is 365 days or less Pass Ensure password expiration warning days is 7 or more Pass Ensure inactive password lock is 30 days or less Pass Ensure all users last password change date is in the past Fail
5.5.2 Ensure system accounts are secured Pass
5.5.3 Ensure default group for the root account is GID 0 Pass
5.5.4 Ensure default user umask is 027 or more restrictive Pass
5.5.5 Ensure default user shell timeout is 900 seconds or less Fail
5.6 Ensure root login is restricted to system console Not Applicable
5.7 Ensure access to the su command is restricted Fail Potential Operation Impact
6 System Maintenance
6.1 System File Permissions
6.1.2 Ensure permissions on /etc/passwd are configured Pass
6.1.3 Ensure permissions on /etc/passwd- are configured Pass
6.1.4 Ensure permissions on /etc/group are configured Pass
6.1.5 Ensure permissions on /etc/group- are configured Pass
6.1.6 Ensure permissions on /etc/shadow are configured Pass
6.1.7 Ensure permissions on /etc/shadow- are configured Pass
6.1.8 Ensure permissions on /etc/gshadow are configured Pass
6.1.9 Ensure permissions on /etc/gshadow- are configured Pass
6.1.10 Ensure no world writable files exist Fail Potential Operation Impact
6.1.11 Ensure no unowned files or directories exist Fail Potential Operation Impact
6.1.12 Ensure no ungrouped files or directories exist Fail Potential Operation Impact
6.1.13 Audit SUID executables Not Applicable
6.1.14 Audit SGID executables Not Applicable
6.2 User and Group Settings
6.2.1 Ensure accounts in /etc/passwd use shadowed passwords Pass
6.2.2 Ensure password fields aren't empty Pass
6.2.3 Ensure all groups in /etc/passwd exist in /etc/group Pass
6.2.4 Ensure all users' home directories exist Pass
6.2.5 Ensure users own their home directories Pass
6.2.6 Ensure users' home directories permissions are 750 or more restrictive Pass
6.2.7 Ensure users' dot files aren't group or world writable Pass
6.2.8 Ensure no users have .netrc files Pass
6.2.9 Ensure no users have .forward files Pass
6.2.10 Ensure no users have .rhosts files Pass
6.2.11 Ensure root is the only UID 0 account Pass
6.2.12 Ensure root PATH Integrity Pass
6.2.13 Ensure no duplicate UIDs exist Pass
6.2.14 Ensure no duplicate GIDs exist Pass
6.2.15 Ensure no duplicate user names exist Pass
6.2.16 Ensure no duplicate group names exist Pass
6.2.17 Ensure shadow group is empty Pass

Next steps

For more information about AKS security, see the following articles: