Download and configure the Open Service Mesh (OSM) client library

Choose a client operating system

This article will discuss how to download the OSM client library to be used to operate and configure the OSM add-on for AKS, and how to configure the binary for your environment.


With the retirement of Open Service Mesh (OSM) by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF), we recommend identifying your OSM configurations and migrating them to an equivalent Istio configuration. For information about migrating from OSM to Istio, see Migration guidance for Open Service Mesh (OSM) configurations to Istio.


Based on the version of Kubernetes your cluster is running, the OSM add-on installs a different version of OSM.

Kubernetes version OSM version installed
1.24.0 or greater 1.2.5
Between 1.23.5 and 1.24.0 1.1.3
Below 1.23.5 1.0.0

Older versions of OSM may not be available for install or be actively supported if the corresponding AKS version has reached end of life. You can check the AKS Kubernetes release calendar for information on AKS version support windows.

Download and install the Open Service Mesh (OSM) client binary

In a bash-based shell on Linux or Windows Subsystem for Linux, use curl to download the OSM release and then extract with tar as follows:

# Specify the OSM version that will be leveraged throughout these instructions

curl -sL "$OSM_VERSION/osm-$OSM_VERSION-linux-amd64.tar.gz" | tar -vxzf -

The osm client binary runs on your client machine and allows you to manage OSM in your AKS cluster. Use the following commands to install the OSM osm client binary in a bash-based shell on Linux or Windows Subsystem for Linux. These commands copy the osm client binary to the standard user program location in your PATH.

sudo mv ./linux-amd64/osm /usr/local/bin/osm
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/osm

You can verify the osm client library has been correctly added to your path and its version number with the following command.

osm version

Download and install the Open Service Mesh (OSM) client binary

In a bash-based shell, use curl to download the OSM release and then extract with tar as follows:

# Specify the OSM version that will be leveraged throughout these instructions

curl -sL "$OSM_VERSION/osm-$OSM_VERSION-darwin-amd64.tar.gz" | tar -vxzf -

The osm client binary runs on your client machine and allows you to manage OSM in your AKS cluster. Use the following commands to install the OSM osm client binary in a bash-based shell. These commands copy the osm client binary to the standard user program location in your PATH.

sudo mv ./darwin-amd64/osm /usr/local/bin/osm
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/osm

You can verify the osm client library has been correctly added to your path and its version number with the following command.

osm version

Download and install the Open Service Mesh (OSM) client binary

In a PowerShell-based shell on Windows, use Invoke-WebRequest to download the OSM release and then extract with Expand-Archive as follows:

# Specify the OSM version that will be leveraged throughout these instructions

[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = "tls12"
$ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'; Invoke-WebRequest -URI "$OSM_VERSION/osm-$" -OutFile "osm-$"
Expand-Archive -Path "osm-$" -DestinationPath .

The osm client binary runs on your client machine and allows you to manage the OSM controller in your AKS cluster. Use the following commands to install the OSM osm client binary in a PowerShell-based shell on Windows. These commands copy the osm client binary to an OSM folder and then make it available both immediately (in current shell) and permanently (across shell restarts) via your PATH. You don't need elevated (Admin) privileges to run these commands and you don't need to restart your shell.

# Copy osm.exe to C:\OSM
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path "C:\OSM"
Move-Item -Path .\windows-amd64\osm.exe -Destination "C:\OSM\"

# Add C:\OSM to PATH.
# Make the new PATH permanently available for the current User
$USER_PATH = [environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("PATH", "User") + ";C:\OSM\"
[environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("PATH", $USER_PATH, "User")
# Make the new PATH immediately available in the current shell
$env:PATH += ";C:\OSM\"


Do not attempt to install OSM from the binary using osm install. This will result in an installation of OSM that is not integrated as an add-on for AKS.

Configure OSM CLI variables with an OSM_CONFIG file

Users can override the default OSM CLI configuration to enhance the add-on experience. This can be done by creating a config file, similar to kubeconfig. The config file can be either created at $HOME/.osm/config.yaml, or at a different path that is exported using the OSM_CONFIG environment variable.

The file must contain the following YAML formatted content:

  kind: managed
  distribution: AKS
  namespace: kube-system

If the file is not created at $HOME/.osm/config.yaml, remember to set the OSM_CONFIG environment variable to point to the path where the config file is created.

After setting OSM_CONFIG, the output of the osm env command should be the following:

$ osm env
  kind: managed
  distribution: AKS
  namespace: kube-system