Use private IP for internal routing for an Ingress endpoint

This feature exposes the ingress endpoint within the Virtual Network using a private IP.


Application Gateway with a Private IP configuration

There are two ways to configure the controller to use Private IP for ingress,

Assign to a particular ingress

To expose a particular ingress over Private IP, use annotation in Ingress.

Usage "true"

For Application Gateways without a Private IP, Ingresses annotated with "true" is ignored. This is indicated in the ingress event and AGIC pod log.

  • Error as indicated in the Ingress Event

    Type     Reason       Age               From                                                                     Message
    ----     ------       ----              ----                                                                     -------
    Warning  NoPrivateIP  2m (x17 over 2m)  azure/application-gateway, prod-ingress-azure-5c9b6fcd4-bctcb  Ingress default/hello-world-ingress requires Application Gateway
    applicationgateway3026 has a private IP address
  • Error as indicated in AGIC Logs

    E0730 18:57:37.914749       1 prune.go:65] Ingress default/hello-world-ingress requires Application Gateway applicationgateway3026 has a private IP address

Assign Globally

In case, requirement is to restrict all Ingresses to be exposed over Private IP, use appgw.usePrivateIP: true in helm config.


    subscriptionId: <subscriptionId>
    resourceGroup: <resourceGroupName>
    name: <applicationGatewayName>
    usePrivateIP: true

This makes the ingress controller filter the IP address configurations for a Private IP when configuring the frontend listeners on the Application Gateway. AGIC can panic and crash if usePrivateIP: true and no Private IP is assigned.


Application Gateway v2 SKU requires a Public IP. Should you require Application Gateway to be private, Attach a Network Security Group to the Application Gateway's subnet to restrict traffic.