Conditional Access framework and policies

This article provides a framework for implementing a persona-based Conditional Access architecture, like the one described in Conditional Access Zero Trust architecture. In this article, there are details on how to form and name the Conditional Access policies. There's also a starting point for creating policies.

If you don't use a framework like the one provided here, including a naming standard, policies tend to be created over time by different people in an ad-hoc way. This can result in policies that overlap. If the person who created a policy is no longer available, it can be difficult for others to know the purpose of the policy.

Following a structured framework makes it easier to understand the policies. It also makes it easier to cover all scenarios and avoid conflicting policies that are difficult to troubleshoot.

Naming conventions

A properly defined naming convention helps you and your colleagues understand the purpose of a policy, which enables easier policy management and troubleshooting. Your naming convention should fit the framework you use to structure your policies.

The recommended naming policy is based on personas, policy types, and apps. It looks like this:


The components of this name are described here:

Naming component Description/Example
CA Number Used to quickly identify Policy Type scope and order. Example: CA001-CA099.
Persona Global, Admins, Internals, Externals, GuestUsers, GuestAdmins, Microsoft365ServiceAccounts, AzureServiceAccounts, CorpServiceAccounts.
Policy Type BaseProtection, AppProtection, DataProtection, IdentityProtection, AttackSurfaceReduction, Compliance.
App AllApps, O365 (for all Office 365 services), EXO (for Exchange Online).
Platform AnyPlatform, Unknown, WindowsPhone, macOS, iOS, Android.
Grant Control Block, ADHJ, Compliant, Unmanaged (where unmanaged is specified in the device state condition).
Description Optional description of the purpose of the policy.

Numbering scheme

To make administration easy, we suggest this numbering scheme:

Persona group Number allocation
CA-Persona-Global CA001-CA099
CA-Persona-Admins CA100-CA199
CA-Persona-Internals CA200-CA299
CA-Persona-Externals CA300-CA399
CA-Persona-GuestUsers CA400-CA499
CA-Persona-GuestAdmins CA500-CA599
CA-Persona-M365ServiceAccounts CA600-CA699
CA-Persona-AzureServiceAccounts CA700-CA799
CA-Persona-CorpServiceAccounts CA800-CA899
CA-Persona-WorkloadIdentities CA900-CA999
CA-Persona-Developers CA1000-CA1099

Policy types

These are the recommended policy types:

Policy type Description/Examples
BaseProtection For each persona, there's a baseline protection that's covered by this policy type. For users on managed devices, this typically is known user and known device. For external guests, it might be known user and multi-factor authentication.

The base protection is the default policy for all apps for users in the given persona. If a specific app should have a different policy, exclude that app from the base protection policy and add an explicit policy that targets only that app.

Example: Assume the base protection for Internals is to require known user and known device for all cloud apps, but you want to allow Outlook on the web from any device. You could exclude Exchange Online from the base protection policy and add a separate policy for Exchange Online, where you require known device OR multi-factor authentication.
IdentityProtection On top of the base protection for each persona, you can have Conditional Access policies that relate to identity.

Examples: Block legacy authentication, require extra multi-factor authentication for high user or sign-in risk, require known device for multi-factor authentication registration.
DataProtection This policy type indicates delta policies that protect data as an extra layer on top of the base protection.

  • App protection policies for iOS and Android that you can use to encrypt data on a phone and that provide improved protection of that data. (App protection policies also include app protection.)
  • Session policies where Azure Information Protection helps secure data during download if the data is sensitive.
AppProtection This policy type is another addition to the base protection.

  • Assume you want to allow web access to Exchange Online from any device. You could exclude Exchange from the base policy and create a new explicit policy for access to Exchange, where, for example, you allow only read-only access to Exchange Online.
  • Assume you require multi-factor authentication for Microsoft Endpoint Manager enrollment. You could exclude Intune Endpoint Manager enrollment from the base policy and add an app protection policy that requires multi-factor authentication for Endpoint Manager enrollment.
AttackSurfaceReduction The purpose of this type of policy is to mitigate various attacks.

  • If an access attempt comes from an unknown platform, it might be an attempt to bypass Conditional Access policies in which you require a specific platform. You can block requests from unknown platforms to mitigate this risk.
  • Block access to Office 365 services for Azure Administrators or block access to an app for all users if the app is a known to be bad.
Compliance You can use a compliance policy to require a user to view the terms of use for guests who access customer services.


The following table describes the App component of a policy name:

App name Description/Examples
AllApps AllApps indicates that all cloud apps are targeted in the Conditional Access policy. All endpoints are covered, including those that support Conditional Access and those that don't. In some scenarios, targeting all apps doesn't work well. We recommend targeting all apps in the base policy so that all endpoints are covered by that policy. New apps that appear in Microsoft Entra ID will also automatically adhere to the policy.
<AppName> <AppName> is a placeholder for the name of an app that the policy addresses. Avoid making the name too long.

Example names:
  • EXO for Exchange Online
  • SPO for SharePoint Online

Platform type

The following table describes the Platform component of a policy name:

Platform type Description
AnyPlatform The policy targets any platform. You typically configure this by selecting Any Device. (In Conditional Access policies, both the word platform and the word device are used.)
iOS The policy targets Apple iOS platforms.
Android The policy targets Google Android platforms.
Windows This policy targets Windows platform.
Linux This policy targets the Linux platforms.
WindowsPhone The policy targets Windows Phone platforms.
macOS The policy targets the macOS platforms
iOSAndroid The policy targets both iOS and Android platforms.
Unknown The policy targets any platform not listed previously. You typically configure this by including Any Device and excluding all the individual platforms.

Grant control types

The following table describes the Grant Control component of a policy name:

Grant type Description/Examples
Block The policy blocks sign-in
MFA The policy requires multi-factor authentication.
Compliant The policy requires a compliant device, as determined by Endpoint Manager, so the device needs to be managed by Endpoint Manager.
CompliantorAADHJ The policy requires a compliant device OR a Microsoft Entra hybrid joined device. A standard company computer that's domain joined is also Hybrid Microsoft Entra ID joined. Mobile phones and Windows 10 computers that are co-managed or Microsoft Entra joined can be compliant.
CompliantandAADHJ The policy requires a device that's compliant AND Microsoft Entra hybrid joined.
MFAorCompliant The policy requires a compliant device OR multi-factor authentication if it's not compliant.
MFAandCompliant The policy requires a compliant device AND multi-factor authentication.
MFAorAADHJ The policy requires a Microsoft Entra hybrid joined computer OR multi-factor authentication if it's not a Microsoft Entra hybrid joined computer.
MFAandAADHJ The policy requires a Microsoft Entra hybrid joined computer AND multi-factor authentication.
RequireApprovedClient The policy requires approved client app.
AppProtection The policy requires app protection
Unmanaged The policy targets devices that aren't known by Microsoft Entra ID. For example, you can use this grant type to allow access to Exchange Online from any device.

Named locations

We recommend that you define these standard locations for use in Conditional Access policies:

  • Trusted IPs / Internal networks. These IP subnets represent locations and networks that have physical access restrictions or other controls in place, like computer system management, network-level authentication, or intrusion detection. These locations are more secure, so Conditional Access enforcement can be relaxed. Consider whether Azure or other datacenter locations (IPs) should be included in this location or have their own named locations.
  • Citrix-trusted IPs. If you have Citrix on-premises, it might be useful to configure separate outgoing IPv4 addresses for the Citrix farms, if you need to be able to connect to cloud services from Citrix sessions. In that case, you can exclude those locations from Conditional Access policies if you need to.
  • Zscaler locations, if applicable. Computers have a ZPA agent installed and forward all traffic to the internet to or through Zscaler cloud. So it's worth defining Zscaler source IPs in Conditional Access and requiring all requests from non-mobile devices to go through Zscaler.
  • Countries/regions with which to allow business. It can be useful to divide countries/regions into two location groups: one that represents areas of the world where employees typically work and one that represents other locations. This allows you to apply additional controls to requests that originate from outside the areas where your organization normally operates.
  • Locations where multi-factor authentication might be difficult or impossible. In some scenarios, requiring multi-factor authentication could make it difficult for employees to do their work. For example, staff might not have the time or opportunity to respond to frequent multi-factor authentication challenges. Or, in some locations, RF screening or electrical interference can make the use of mobile devices difficult. Typically, you'd use other controls in these locations, or they might be trusted.

Location-based access controls rely on the source IP of a request to determine the location of the user at the time of the request. It's not easy to perform spoofing on the public internet, but protection afforded by network boundaries might be considered less relevant than it once was. We don't recommend relying solely on location as a condition for access. But for some scenarios it might be the best control that you can use, like if you're securing access from a service account from on-premises that's used in a non-interactive scenario.

We've created a spreadsheet that contains recommended Conditional Access policies. You can download the spreadsheet here.

Use the suggested policies as a starting point.

Your policies will probably change over time to accommodate use cases that are important to your business. Here are a few examples of scenarios that might require changes:

  • Implement read-only access to Exchange Online for employees using any unmanaged device based on multi-factor authentication, app protection, and an approved client app.
  • Implement information protection to ensure that sensitive information isn't downloaded without improved protection provided by Azure Information Protection.
  • Provide protection against copy and paste by guests.

Multiple previews are currently going into public preview, so expect updates to the suggested set of Conditional Access (CA) starter policies soon.

Conditional Access guidance

Now that you have a starter set of Conditional Access policies, you need to deploy them in a controlled and phased way. We suggest that you use a deployment model.

Here's one approach:

Diagram that shows a Conditional Access deployment model.

The idea is to first deploy policies to a small number of users within one persona group. You can use an associated Microsoft Entra group called Persona Ring 0 for this deployment. After you verify that everything works, you change the assignment to a group, Persona Ring 1, that has more members, and so on.

You then enable the policies by using the same ring-based approach until all policies are deployed.

You typically manage the members of ring 0 and ring 1 manually. A ring 2 or 3 group that contains hundreds or even thousands of users could be managed via a dynamic group that's based on a percentage of the users in a given persona.

The use of rings as part of a deployment model isn't just for initial deployment. You can also use it when new policies or changes to existing policies are required.

With a finished deployment, you should also design and implement the monitoring controls that were discussed in the Conditional Access principles.

In addition to automating the initial deployment, you might want to automate changes to policies by using CI/CD pipelines. You could use Microsoft365DSC for this automation.


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