Networking considerations for Azure VMware Solution

Azure VMware Solution
Azure ExpressRoute
Azure Traffic Manager
Azure Application Gateway

Solution ideas

This article describes a solution idea. Your cloud architect can use this guidance to help visualize the major components for a typical implementation of this architecture. Use this article as a starting point to design a well-architected solution that aligns with your workload's specific requirements.

This article discusses the multiple options available to establish network connectivity with Azure VMware Solution private cloud. You can establish network connectivity from multiple sources, such as on-premises data center, head offices, remote branch locations, external users, and so on.


The following high-level architecture diagram covers key networking scenarios.

Diagram showing the Azure VMware Solution network architecture.

Download a Visio file of this architecture.

This architecture features a key network design that enables the following scenarios:

  • Connectivity between on-premises and Azure VMware Solution private cloud
  • Connectivity between public internet and Azure VMware Solution private cloud
  • Connectivity between branch/VPN sites and Azure VMware Solution private cloud
  • Connectivity between Azure and Azure VMware Solution private cloud

Each route design is denoted by a number (1, 2, 3, and so on) and is discussed in detail later. The route numbers don't represent any priority.


This architecture consists of the following scenarios.

Azure ExpressRoute Global Reach (route 1)

Route 1 depicts the on-premises site connectivity with the Azure VMware Solution private cloud. This connectivity is established using ExpressRoute Global Reach and consists of a pair of routers.

The first router is referred to as the Microsoft Enterprise Edge (MSEE) router. This router establishes connectivity between an on-premises site and Azure.

The second router is referred to as the Dedicated Microsoft Enterprise Edge (D-MSEE) router. D-MSEE router terminates on the ExpressRoute Gateway in Azure Virtual Network and establishes connectivity between Azure and the Azure VMware Solution private cloud. D-MSEE router pricing is included in the Azure VMware Solution pricing. Network throughput for ExpressRoute Global Reach is capped at the smallest throughout between two circuits.

Azure VPN Gateway (route 2)

Route 2 depicts connectivity using site-to-site (S2S) VPN connectivity for migration purpose. This connectivity establishes network connectivity between on-premises VMware site and Azure VMware Solution private cloud.

Azure VPN gateways are available either in a hub Azure Virtual Network or in Azure Virtual WAN.

In Virtual WAN, VPN gateways have a transit connectivity with ExpressRoute gateways enabled by default. Azure VMware Solution private cloud's D-MSEE can be terminated on ExpressRoute gateway, which has a networking path to a VPN site connected to VPN gateway.

In hub Azure Virtual Network, there's no transit connectivity between VPN and ExpressRoute gateway enabled by default. To achieve this transit connectivity, use either Azure Route Server or a third-party Network Virtual Appliance (NVA). Once transit connectivity is available, Azure VMware Solution private cloud's D-MSEE can be terminated on ExpressRoute gateway and then moved over to the VPN site over VPN gateway.

Existing workloads running on an on-premises location can be migrated using VPN connection by using this topology. Virtual WAN VPN gateways are built for higher scalability and throughput compared to VPN gateways in hub Azure Virtual Network.

Public IP address on NSX-T Edge node in the Azure VMware Solution private cloud (route 3)

Route 3 shows an option for performing HCX migration by using a public IP address on an NSX-T Edge node in the Azure VMware Solution private cloud. You might consider using this option if ExpressRoute or VPN connectivity is impossible or time-consuming. For the best migration experience, we recommend you use ExpressRoute connectivity.

Remote VPN site (route 4)

Route 4 shows connectivity using site-to-site VPN connectivity for accessing purposes. Unlike in Azure VPN Gateway (route 2), site connected to Azure doesn't need to have any VMware environment. The purpose of this topology is to allow connectivity from remote VPN sites to Azure VMware Solution private cloud workloads.

VPN connectivity with remote sites can be established from Azure either by using VPN gateway in hub virtual network or in Virtual WAN.

VPN gateway in hub virtual network needs Azure Route Server or a third-party NVA to enable transit connectivity with ExpressRoute gateway, which is used to terminate D-MSEE ExpressRoute circuit of Azure VMware Solution private cloud.

VPN gateway in Virtual WAN has transit connectivity enabled with ExpressRoute gateway in Virtual WAN out of the box. Virtual WAN's ExpressRoute gateway is used for termination of D-MSEE ExpressRoute circuit of Azure VMware Solution private cloud.

Azure Application Gateway (route 5)

Route 5 shows how Azure services can be integrated with Azure VMware Solution private cloud. In this route, external user requests arrive at Azure Application Gateway, which is a layer 7 load balancer. It exposes a public IP address that can be associated with a DNS entry.

Application Gateway can use Azure VMware Solution private cloud guest VMs as its backend. Using Azure VMware Solution private cloud guest VMs as backend for Application Gateway is made possible by the network connectivity between Azure Virtual Network and Azure VMware Solution private cloud.

Azure Virtual Network that runs Application Gateway also hosts the ExpressRoute Gateway used for connecting Azure VMware Solution private cloud's D-MSEE. The combination of Application Gateway as a frontend and Azure VMware Solution VMs as a backend helps ensure that no public IP is exposed from the Azure VMware Solution environment.

Application Gateway provides services such as Web Application Firewall (WAF), which helps ensure that common security vulnerabilities, like SQL injection, CSRF, XSS, and so on, are mitigated even before a request can reach the Azure VMware Solution environment. Application Gateway is one of the ideal solutions for any web-facing workload that's running in an Azure VMware Solution environment.

Network Virtual Appliance (NVA) from Azure Marketplace (route 6)

Route 6 depicts the use of Azure Marketplace solutions. Azure Marketplace provides a large collection of partner solutions across multiple IT solution categories, such as firewalls, Network Virtual Appliances (NVAs), load balancers, and so on.

In this flow, customers can choose from their favorite vendor's solution for accepting external user requests. Depending on the configured routes and the security check, as evaluated by the vendor solution, the request can then be forwarded to Azure VMware Solution private cloud guest VMs. Customers can take advantage of the license mobility that a partner offers from an on-premises environment, and they can use it in Azure VMware Solution private cloud.

Azure Traffic Manager (route 7)

Route 7 shows connectivity between users and Azure VMware Solution private cloud using Azure Traffic Manager. This route uses DNS-based load balancing capability of Azure Traffic Manager. Azure VMware Solution private cloud guest virtual machines can be put behind an Application Gateway. Public IP addresses on Application Gateway can be used as an external endpoint in Traffic Manager profile. This route offers the flexibility of mixing and matching multiple routing methods, like priority, geographic, weighted, or performance, to connect with workloads running on Azure VMware Solution private cloud from internet.

Azure Virtual WAN (route 8)

Route 8 shows the use of a public IP address that's associated with Secure Azure Virtual WAN. In this route, Virtual WAN is configured with a public IP address that's associated with its firewall. A firewall rule is then configured with a D-NAT rule. The rule routes requests that arrive at the public IP address, to the private IP that's associated with the Azure VMware Solution VM. Extra firewall rules can also be configured using Azure Firewall Manager. Virtual WAN provides transitive connectivity for any-to-any network connectivity. This capability enables access to Azure VMware Solution private cloud guest VMs using Virtual WAN.

Azure VNet peering (route 9)

Route 9 shows connectivity with an Azure VMware Solution private cloud from Azure Virtual Network using Azure Virtual Network peering. An Azure VMware Solution private cloud can be connected to a virtual network at the time of provisioning. This virtual network can be peered with other virtual networks that run workloads inside of them. Any Azure VMware Solution private cloud guest VM can then connect with other workloads and exchange data in both directions.

Virtual network peering provides low-latency, high-throughput connectivity over a Microsoft backbone network, which enables seamless connectivity between Azure VMware Solution private cloud and other workloads that run in Azure.

Azure vWAN VNet connection (route 10)

Route 10 depicts connection between Azure Virtual Network and Azure VMware Solution private cloud guest VMs. Unlike in Azure Virtual WAN (route 8), which represents connectivity between Azure VMware Solution private cloud and the outside world, route 10 depicts connectivity between virtual networks connected to Virtual WAN and Azure VMware Solution private cloud guest VMs. Virtual WAN offers transit connectivity between sites connected to its various gateways (VPN, ER or VNet). This feature is used by this route.

Azure private endpoint (route 11)

Route 11 represents connectivity between Azure services and Azure VMware Solution private cloud guest VMs over a Private Endpoint. An Azure service, such as Azure SQL DB or Azure Cosmos DB, can create a private endpoint into an Azure Virtual Network. This private endpoint gets a private IP address assigned from the virtual network's IP address space. An Azure VMware Solution private cloud is connected to that virtual network through one of these ways:

  1. Azure VMware Solution private cloud terminates its D-MSEE ExpressRoute circuit on an ExpressRoute Gateway in the same virtual network. This connection is shown in the previous diagram.
  2. The virtual network that's used to terminate Azure VMware Solution private cloud's D-MSEE ExpressRoute circuit is peered with virtual network hosting the private endpoint. This connectivity is shown in Route 9.

Route 11 depicts connectivity from Azure VMware Solution private cloud guest VMs to Azure PaaS services using a public endpoint. This connectivity is similar to route 12. However, the difference between the two routes lies in the Azure PaaS service endpoint. Route 12 uses a public endpoint, whereas route 11 uses a private endpoint. With more Azure services offering connectivity over a private endpoint, we recommend you use a private endpoint. For those services that don't offer a private endpoint yet, Azure VMware Solution guest VMs can use their public endpoints for consuming them.

Azure PaaS endpoint (route 12)

Route 12 depicts connectivity from Azure VMware Solution private cloud guest VMs to Azure PaaS services using a public endpoint. This connectivity is similar to route 11. However, the difference between the two routes lies in the Azure PaaS service endpoint. Route 12 uses a public endpoint, whereas route 11 uses a private endpoint. With more Azure services offering connectivity over a private endpoint, we recommend you use a private endpoint. For those services that don't offer a private endpoint yet, Azure VMware Solution guest VMs can use those services' public endpoints for consuming them.

Public IP address on an NSX-T Edge node in the Azure VMware Solution cloud (route 13)

Route 13 enables inbound and outbound internet connectivity to VMs that are running in the Azure VMware Solution private cloud. This connectivity uses a public IP address that's deployed on an NSX-T Edge node. This route provides SNAT and DNAT capabilities. Although this route simplifies inbound and outbound internet connectivity, we recommend that you evaluate this configuration by taking into account Internet connectivity design considerations.


Scenario details

This article discusses how to use Azure native services, such as Azure ExpressRoute, Azure Traffic Manager, and Azure Application Gateway. These key services can assist you in connecting Azure VMware Solution workloads to an on-premises environment and with external users.


See Enterprise-scale for Microsoft Azure VMware Solution for the latest landing zone guidance.

Potential use cases

Providing network connectivity can enable the following key use cases:

  • Extend an on-premises VMware environment to Azure.
  • Migrate VMware workloads from on-premises to Azure.
  • Enable secure connectivity from the public internet to Azure VMware Solution workloads.
  • Set up disaster recovery (DR) processes between an on-premises environment and an Azure VMware Solution environment, or between two Azure VMware Solution environments.


This article is maintained by Microsoft. It was originally written by the following contributors.

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Next steps

See the following guidance about other Azure VMware Solution architectural options:

Refer to the following related resources: