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Disabling Automanage for VMs


On 31 August 2024, both Automation Update Management and the Log Analytics agent it uses will be retired. Migrate to Azure Update Manager before that. Refer to guidance on migrating to Azure Update Manager here. Migrate Now.

You may decide one day to disable Automanage on certain VMs. For instance, your machine is running some super sensitive secure workload and you need to lock it down even further than Azure would have done naturally, so you need to configure the machine outside of Azure best practices.

How to disable Automanage through the Azure portal

To do that in the Azure portal, go to the Automanage – Azure machine best practices page that lists all of your auto-managed VMs. Select the checkbox next to the virtual machine you want to disable from Automanage, then click on the Disable automanagement button.

Screenshot of disabling Automanage on a virtual machine.

Read carefully through the messaging in the resulting pop-up before agreeing to Disable.

Screenshot of disabling Automanage on a virtual machine confirmation.


Disabling automanagement in a VM results in the following behavior:

  • The configuration of the VM and the services it is onboarded to don't change.
  • Any charges incurred by those services remain billable and continue to be incurred.
  • Automanage drift monitoring immediately stops.

First and foremost, we will not off-board the virtual machine from any of the services that we onboarded it to and configured. So any charges incurred by those services will continue to remain billable. You will need to off-board if necessary. Any Automanage behavior will stop immediately. For example, we will no longer monitor the VM for drift.

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