Create a volume group

This article explains how to create an Azure Large Instances for Epic® volume group.

  1. Discover storage using the following command.

    [root@rhel101 ~]# lsblk -do KNAME,TYPE,SIZE,MODEL

  2. Create physical disk for database and journal using the WWIDs provided in the reference mapping above.

    [root@rhel101 ~]# pvcreate /dev/mapper/<WWID

  3. Create and extend the volume groups.

[root @themetal05 ~] # vgcreate prodvg -s 8M /dev/mapper/<WWID>
Expected output: Volume group “prodvg” successfully created
[root @themetal05 ~] # vgextend prodvg /dev/mapper/<WWID>
Expected output: Volume group “prodvg” successfully extended


The “-s 8M” physical extent size has been used for the environment and was tested to yield the best performance.

  1. Create logical volume.
[root @themetal05 ~] # lvcreate -L 2T -n jrnlv -i 8 -I 8M jrnvg
Expected output: Logical volume “jrnlv” created.
[root @themetal05 ~] # lvcreate -L 45T -n prodlv -i 32 -I 8M prodvg
Expected output: Logical volume “prodlv” created.
[root @themetal05 ~]# lvs
Expected output: lists all the logical volumes created.


  • -L 45T specifies the logical volume size.
  • -i 32 specifies the number of stripes, this is equal to the number of physical LUNs to scatter the logical volume.
  • -I 8M specifies the stripe size.
  1. Make the file system

    [root @themetal05 ~] # mkfs.xfs /dev/mapper/prodvg-prodlv

  2. Create the folders to mount.

[root @themetal05 ~] mkdir /prod0;
[root @themetal05 ~] mkdir /jrn
[root @themetal05 ~] mkdir /prod
  1. Set required permissions.
[root @themetal05 ~] chmod 755 /prod01
[root @themetal05 ~] chmod 755 /jrn
[root @themetal05 ~] chmod 755 /prod
[root @themetal05 ~] chown root:root /prod01
[root @themetal05 ~] chown root:root /jrn
[root @themetal05 ~] chown root:root /prod
  1. Add mount entries to /etc/fstab
/dev/mapper/prodvg-prod01 /prod01 xfs defaults 0 0
/dev/mapper/jrnvg-jrn /jrn xfs defaults 0 0 
/dev/mapper/instvg-prd /prd xfs defaults 0 0
  1. Mount storage

    mount -a