Queries for the AADProvisioningLogs table

Provisioning actions for the last week

Shows the number of users and groups created, updated, disabled, and deleted in the past 7 days.

| where TimeGenerated > ago(7d)
| where ResultType == "Success"
| parse SourceIdentity with * "\"identityType\":\"" Type "\"" *
| extend Type = tolower(Type)
| summarize count() by Type, Action
| order by Type, Action

Provisioning errors

Shows the count per error code and when were they last seen.

| where ResultType == "Failure"
| summarize Occurrences=count(), LastSeen=max(TimeGenerated) by ResultSignature
| order by LastSeen

Provisioned objects by day

Summarizes for each day the number of created objects per day.

| where TimeGenerated > ago(7d)
| where ResultType == "Success"
| where Action == "Create"
| parse SourceIdentity with * "\"identityType\":\"" Type "\"" *
| extend Type = tolower(Type)
| summarize count() by Type, bin(TimeGenerated, 1d)
| render columnchart