Queries for the ACSCallAutomationMediaSummary table

Loop play success rate

Calculates the number of success and failures of the play operation when played in loop or not.

| where OperationName == "Play"
| summarize playedInLoopCount=count() by PlayInLoop, ResultType

Play to participant success rate

Calculates the number of success and failures of the play operation when played to a participant or to all.

| where OperationName == "Play"
| summarize playedToCount=count() by PlayToParticipant, ResultType

Recognize success rate

Calculates the number of success and failures of the recognize operation.

| where OperationName == "Recognize"
| summarize recognizeCount=count() by ResultType

Success rate by sub operation name

Calculates the number of success and failures of the recognize operation based on its sub operation name.

| join ACSCallAutomationMediaSummary on OperationId
| where OperationName == "Recognize"
| summarize recognizeCount=count() by SubOperationName, ResultType1
| project SubOperationName, EventResultType = ResultType1, recognizeCount