Mar 17, 9 PM - Mar 21, 10 AM
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For information on using these queries in the Azure portal, see Log Analytics tutorial. For the REST API, see Query.
Fetch time series media stats of all participants in a given call based on ACSCallClientMediaStatsTimeSeries log
// Replace queryConditions_callId with the callId you want to investigate.
// Note this query is used in Call Diagnostics timeline page to get all the time series media metrics for all participants in the call.
declare query_parameters(queryConditions_callId:string = 'replace-with-your-callId');
| where CallId == queryConditions_callId
| extend lcMediaStreamType = tolower(MediaStreamType)
| extend lcMediaStreamDirection = tolower(MediaStreamDirection)
| extend isIncoming = case(
lcMediaStreamDirection == 'recv', true,
lcMediaStreamDirection == 'incoming', true,
| extend isOutgoing =
case(lcMediaStreamDirection == 'send', true,
lcMediaStreamDirection == 'outgoing', true,
| extend MediaStreamDirectionType = case(isIncoming == true, 'recv', "send")
| summarize hint.strategy = shuffle arg_max(OperationName, *) by CallClientTimeStamp, MetricName, MediaStreamDirection, MediaStreamType, MediaStreamDirectionType
| order by CallClientTimeStamp asc
| summarize hint.strategy = shuffle arg_max(OperationName, *), newAverage = avg(Average) by CallClientTimeStamp, MetricName, MediaStreamDirection, MediaStreamType, MediaStreamDirectionType
| summarize hint.strategy = shuffle
Timestamps = make_list(CallClientTimeStamp),
Values = make_list(newAverage),
MediaStreamCodec = make_list(MediaStreamCodec) by MetricName, ParticipantId, MediaStreamDirection, MediaStreamType, MediaStreamDirectionType
| extend (Timestamps, Values, MediaStreamCodec) = array_sort_asc(Timestamps, Values, MediaStreamCodec)
| project Timestamps, Values, MediaStreamCodec, MetricName, ParticipantId, MediaStreamDirection, MediaStreamType, MediaStreamDirectionType
List all the media metrics included in the ACSCallClientMediaStatsTimeSeries log for each media stream type.
| distinct MetricName, MediaStreamType
Plot the histogram of selected metric, per callId, participantId, media type and meida direction
let PlotMetricHistogram = (_MetricName: string, _ParticipantId: string = '', _CallId: string = '', _MediaStreamType: string = '', _MediaStreamDirection: string = '') {
// _MetricName: the name of the metric. This must be set.
// _ParticipantId: set this variable if want to just plot the metric value histogram for a specific partiticpant.
// _CallId: set this variable if want to just plot the metric value histogram for a specific call.
// _MediaStreamType: possible values can be: 'audio', 'video', 'screen'.
// _MediaStreamDirection: possible values can be: 'recv', 'send'.
| where MetricName == _MetricName
| where isempty(_ParticipantId) or ParticipantId == _ParticipantId
| where isempty(_CallId) or CallId == _CallId
| where isempty(_MediaStreamType) or MediaStreamType == _MediaStreamType
| where isempty(_MediaStreamDirection) or MediaStreamDirection == _MediaStreamDirection
| summarize count=count() by Average
| render columnchart title=strcat(_MetricName, " Histogram")
// Below plots the histogram for jitter for all outbound audio streams
PlotMetricHistogram('JitterInMs', _MediaStreamType='audio', _MediaStreamDirection='send')
Mar 17, 9 PM - Mar 21, 10 AM
Join the meetup series to build scalable AI solutions based on real-world use cases with fellow developers and experts.
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Troubleshoot audio, video, and client issues - Training
Learn about the troubleshooting approaches for audio, video, and client issues in Teams, including collecting appropriate logs and identifying problems with different reports and dashboards.