Queries for the ACSCallClientMediaStatsTimeSeries table
For information on using these queries in the Azure portal, see Log Analytics tutorial. For the REST API, see Query.
List all the media metrics included in the ACSCallClientMediaStatsTimeSeries log for each media stream type.
| distinct MetricName, MediaStreamType
Plot the histogram of selected metric, per callId, participantId, media type and meida direction
let PlotMetricHistogram = (_MetricName: string, _ParticipantId: string = '', _CallId: string = '', _MediaStreamType: string = '', _MediaStreamDirection: string = '') {
// _MetricName: the name of the metric. This must be set.
// _ParticipantId: set this variable if want to just plot the metric value histogram for a specific partiticpant.
// _CallId: set this variable if want to just plot the metric value histogram for a specific call.
// _MediaStreamType: possible values can be: 'audio', 'video', 'screen'.
// _MediaStreamDirection: possible values can be: 'recv', 'send'.
| where MetricName == _MetricName
| where isempty(_ParticipantId) or ParticipantId == _ParticipantId
| where isempty(_CallId) or CallId == _CallId
| where isempty(_MediaStreamType) or MediaStreamType == _MediaStreamType
| where isempty(_MediaStreamDirection) or MediaStreamDirection == _MediaStreamDirection
| summarize count=count() by Average
| render columnchart title=strcat(_MetricName, " Histogram")
// Below plots the histogram for jitter for all outbound audio streams
PlotMetricHistogram('JitterInMs', _MediaStreamType='audio', _MediaStreamDirection='send')