Queries for the AZMSVnetConnectionEvents table

Publish deny connection by namespace

Publish deny connection by namespace on network data.

| extend NamespaceName = tostring(split(_ResourceId, "/")[8])
| where Provider =~ "EventHub"
| where Action == "Deny Connection"
| project Action, _SubscriptionId, NamespaceName, AddressIp, Reason, Count
| summarize by Action, NamespaceName

Publish namespace vnet data

Publish vnet data for namespace by action status.

| extend NamespaceName = tostring(split(_ResourceId, "/")[8])
| where Provider =~ "EventHub"
| project Action, _SubscriptionId, NamespaceName, AddressIp, Reason, Count, _ResourceId
| summarize by NamespaceName, Action

Publish deny connection by namespace

Publish deny network connection information by namespace.

| extend NamespaceName = tostring(split(_ResourceId, "/")[8])
| where Provider =~ "Relay"
| where Action == "Deny Connection"
| project Action, _SubscriptionId, NamespaceName, AddressIp, Reason, Count
| summarize by Action, NamespaceName

Publish virtual network events by namespace

Publish virtual network events with outcome for namespace.

| extend NamespaceName = tostring(split(_ResourceId, "/")[8])
| where Provider =~ "Relay"
| project Action, _SubscriptionId, NamespaceName, AddressIp, Reason, Count, _ResourceId
| summarize by NamespaceName, Action

Publish deny connection by namespace

Publish deny network connection information by namespace.

| extend NamespaceName = tostring(split(_ResourceId, "/")[8])
| where Provider =~ "ServiceBus"
| where Action == "Deny Connection"
| project Action, _SubscriptionId, NamespaceName, AddressIp, Reason, Count
| summarize by Action, NamespaceName

Publish virtual network events by namespace

Publish virtual network events with outcome for namespace.

| extend NamespaceName = tostring(split(_ResourceId, "/")[8])
| where Provider =~ "ServiceBus"
| project Action, _SubscriptionId, NamespaceName, AddressIp, Reason, Count, _ResourceId
| summarize by NamespaceName, Action