Queries for the EmailAttachmentInfo table

Files from malicious sender

Finds the first appearance of files sent by a malicious sender in your organization at selected time frame. To see earlier appearances please increase selected time range.

let MaliciousSender = "<insert the sender email address>";
| where SenderFromAddress =~ MaliciousSender
| project SHA256 = tolower(SHA256)
| join (
) on SHA256
| summarize FirstAppearance = min(Timestamp) by DeviceName, SHA256, FileName 
| take 100

Emails to external domains with attachments

Emails sent to an external domain that include attachments.

| where EmailDirection == "Outbound" and AttachmentCount > 0
| join EmailAttachmentInfo on NetworkMessageId 
| project Timestamp, Subject, SenderFromAddress, RecipientEmailAddress, NetworkMessageId, FileName, AttachmentCount 
| take 1000