Queries for the SecurityEvent table

Security Events most common event IDs

This query displays a descending list of the amount of events ingested per EventId for Security-Auditing.

| where EventSourceName == "Microsoft-Windows-Security-Auditing"
| summarize EventCount = count() by EventID
| sort by EventCount desc

Members added to security groups

Who was added to security-enabled group over the last day?

// To create an alert for this query, click '+ New alert rule'
| where EventID in (4728, 4732, 4756) // these event IDs indicate a member was added to a security-enabled group
| summarize count() by SubjectAccount, Computer, _ResourceId
// This query requires the Security solution

Uses of clear text password

List all accounts that logged on using a clear-text password over the last day.

// To create an alert for this query, click '+ New alert rule'
| where EventID == 4624 // event ID 4624: "an account was successfully logged on",
| where LogonType == 8 // logon type 8: "NetworkCleartext"
| summarize count() by TargetAccount, Computer, _ResourceId // count the reported security events for each account
// This query requires the Security solution

Windows failed logins

Find reports of Windows accounts that failed to login.

// To create an alert for this query, click '+ New alert rule'
| where EventID == 4625
| summarize count() by TargetAccount, Computer, _ResourceId // count the reported security events for each account
// This query requires the Security solution

All Security Activities

Security activities sorted by time (newest first).

| project TimeGenerated, Account, Activity, Computer
| sort by TimeGenerated desc

Security Activities on the Device

Security activities on a specific device sorted by time (newest first).

//| where Computer == "COMPUTER01.contoso.com" // Replace with a specific computer name
| project TimeGenerated, Account, Activity, Computer
| sort by TimeGenerated desc

Security Activities for Admin

Security activities on a specific device for administrator sorted by time (newest first).

//| where Computer == "COMPUTER01.contoso.com"  // Replace with a specific computer name
| where TargetUserName == "Administrator"
| project TimeGenerated, Account, Activity, Computer
| sort by TimeGenerated desc

Logon Activity by Device

Counts logon activities per device.

| where EventID == 4624
| summarize LogonCount = count() by Computer

Devices With More Than 10 Logons

Counts logon activities per devices with more than 10 logons.

| where EventID == 4624
| summarize LogonCount = count() by Computer
| where LogonCount > 10

Accounts Terminated Antimalware

Accounts which terminated Microsoft Antimalware.

| where EventID == 4689
| where Process has "MsMpEng.exe" or ParentProcessName has "MsMpEng.exe"
| summarize TerminationCount = count() by Account

Devices with Antimalware Terminated

Devices which terminated Microsoft Antimalware.

| where EventID == 4689 
| where Process has "MsMpEng.exe" or ParentProcessName has "MsMpEng.exe"
| summarize TerminationCount = count() by Computer

Devices Where Hash Was Executed

Devices where hash.exe was executed more than 5 times.

| where EventID == 4688
| where Process has "hash.exe" or ParentProcessName has "hash.exe"
| summarize ExecutionCount = count() by Computer
| where ExecutionCount > 5

Process Names Executed

Lists number of executions per process.

| where EventID == 4688
| summarize ExecutionCount = count() by NewProcessName

Devices With Security Log Cleared

Devices with securtiy log cleared.

| where EventID == 1102
| summarize LogClearedCount = count() by Computer

Logon Activity by Account

Logon activity by account.

| where EventID == 4624
| summarize LogonCount = count() by Account

Accounts With Less Than 5 Times Logons

Logon activity for accounts with less than 5 logons.

| where EventID == 4624
| summarize LogonCount = count() by Account
| where LogonCount < 5

Remoted Logged Accounts on Devices

Remoted logged accounts on a specific device.

| where EventID == 4624 and (LogonTypeName == "3 - Network" or LogonTypeName == "10 - RemoteInteractive")
//| where Computer == "Computer01.contoso.com" // Replace with a specific computer name
| summarize RemoteLogonCount = count() by Account

Computers With Guest Account Logons

Computers with logons from guest accounts.

| where EventID == 4624 and TargetUserName == 'Guest' and LogonType in (10, 3)
| summarize count() by Computer

Members Added to Security Enabled Groups

Members added to the security enabled groups.

| where EventID in (4728, 4732, 4756)
| summarize count() by SubjectAccount

Domain Security Policy Changes

Counts events of domain policy changed.

| where EventID == 4739
| summarize count() by DomainPolicyChanged

System Audit Policy Changes

System audit policy changed events by computer.

| where EventID == 4719
| summarize count() by Computer

Suspicious Executables

Lists suspicious executables.

| where EventID == 8002 and Fqbn == '-'
| summarize ExecutionCountHash=count() by FileHash
| where ExecutionCountHash <= 5

Logons With Clear Text Password

Logons with clear text password by target account.

| where EventID == 4624 and LogonType == 8
| summarize count() by TargetAccount

Computers With Cleaned Event Logs

Computers with cleaned event logs.

| where EventID in (1102, 517) and EventSourceName == 'Microsoft-Windows-Eventlog'
| summarize count() by Computer

Accounts Failed to Logon

Counts failed logons by target account.

| where EventID == 4625
| summarize count() by TargetAccount

Locked Accounts

Counts locked acounts by target account.

| where EventID == 4740
| summarize count() by TargetAccount

Change or Reset Passwords Attempts

Counts change/reset paswords attempts per target account.

| where EventID in (4723, 4724)
| summarize count() by TargetAccount

Groups Created or Modified

Groups created or modified per target account.

| where EventID in (4727, 4731, 4735, 4737, 4754, 4755)
| summarize count() by TargetAccount

Remote Procedure Call Attempts

Counts remote procedure call attempts per computer.

| where EventID == 5712
| summarize count() by Computer

User Accounts Changed

Counts user account changes per target account.

| where EventID in (4720, 4722)
| summarize by TargetAccount