Queries for the SignalRServiceDiagnosticLogs table

Client connection IDs

Summary of the connection IDs which are client connections.

| where ConnectionType == "Client"
| summarize count() by ConnectionId, _ResourceId

Connection close reasons

Summary of close reasons for disconnected connections.

| where OperationName == "ConnectionAborted" or OperationName == "ConnectionEnded" or OperationName == "EndConnectionFailed"
| summarize count() by  ConnectionId, Message, _ResourceId

IP addresses

Summary of Ips that connected to the service, which is useful to figure out whether same issue has pattern in IP address.

| where isnotnull(CallerIpAddress) and isnotempty(CallerIpAddress)
| summarize count() by CallerIpAddress, _ResourceId

Logs relating to specific connection ID

A list of logs which contains specific connection ID.

// Enter ConnectionId value to filter by specific connection ID.
| where ConnectionId == ""
| sort by TimeGenerated asc
| take 100

Logs relating to specific message tracing ID

A list of logs which contains the specific message tracing ID.

| where OperationName == "ConnectionAborted" or OperationName == "ConnectionEnded" or OperationName == "EndConnectionFailed"
| summarize count() by  ConnectionId, Message, _ResourceId

Logs relating to specific user ID

A list of logs which contains the specific user ID.

// Enter UserId value to filter by specific user ID.
| where UserId == ""
| sort by TimeGenerated asc
| take 100

Logs with warning or exceptions

A list of logs which contains warnings or exceptions (latest logs shown first).

| where Level == "Warning" or Level == "Error"
| sort by TimeGenerated desc, Collection asc
| take 100

Server connection IDs

Summary of the connection IDs which are server connections.

| where ConnectionType == "Server"
| summarize count() by  ConnectionId, _ResourceId

Time chart of operation names

Chart of operations in time, for getting the trend of the connectivity and messaging events.

| summarize count() by OperationName, bin(TimeGenerated, 1min)
| render timechart

Transport types

Summary of transport types for connections. Usually Websockets should be the majority by default.

| where isnotnull(TransportType) and isnotempty(TransportType)
| summarize count() by TransportType, _ResourceId

User IDs

Summary of the user IDs.

| summarize count() by UserId, _ResourceId