Enable diagnostics logs for Azure Relay Hybrid Connections

When you start using your Azure Relay Hybrid Connections, you might want to monitor how and when your listeners and senders are opened and closed, and how your Hybrid Connections are created and messages are sent. This article provides an overview of activity and diagnostics logs provided by the Azure Relay service.

You can view two types of logs for Azure Relay:

  • Activity logs: These logs have information about operations performed against your namespace in the Azure portal or through Azure Resource Manager template. These logs are always enabled. For example: "Create or update namespace", "Create or update hybrid connection".
  • Diagnostic logs: You can configure diagnostic logs for a richer view of everything that happens with operations and actions that are conducted against your namespace by using the API, or through language SDK.

View activity logs

To view activity logs for your Azure Relay namespace, switch to the Activity log page in the Azure portal.

Azure Relay - activity log

Enable diagnostic logs


Diagnostic logs are available only for Hybrid Connections, not for Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) Relay.

To enable diagnostics logs, do the following steps:

  1. In the Azure portal, go to your Azure Relay namespace and then, under Monitoring, select Diagnostic settings.

  2. On the Diagnostics settings page, select Add diagnostic setting.

    The "Add diagnostic setting" link

  3. Configure the diagnostics settings by doing the following steps:

    1. In the Name box, enter a name for the diagnostics settings.

    2. Select HybridConnectionsEvent for the type of log.

    3. Select one of the following three destinations for your diagnostics logs:

      1. If you select Archive to a storage account, configure the storage account where the diagnostics logs will be stored.
      2. If you select Stream to an event hub, configure the event hub that you want to stream the diagnostics logs to.
      3. If you select Send to Log Analytics, specify which instance of Log Analytics the diagnostics will be sent to.

      Sample diagnostic settings

  4. Select Save on the toolbar to save the settings.

The new settings take effect in about 10 minutes. The logs are displayed in the configured archival target, in the Diagnostics logs pane. For more information about configuring diagnostics settings, see the overview of Azure diagnostics logs.

Schema for hybrid connections events

Hybrid Connections event log JSON strings include the elements listed in the following table:

Name Description
ResourceId Azure Resource Manager resource ID 
ActivityId Internal ID, used to identify the specified operation. May also be known as "TrackingId" 
Endpoint The address of the Relay resource 
OperationName The type of the Hybrid Connections operation that’s  being logged 
EventTimeString The UTC timestamp of the log record 
Message The detailed message of the event 
Category Category of the event. Currently, there is only HybridConnectionsEvents.

Sample hybrid connections event

Here's a sample hybrid connections event in JSON format.

    "resourceId": "/SUBSCRIPTIONS/0000000000-0000-0000-0000-0000000000000/RESOURCEGROUPS/MyResourceGroup/PROVIDERS/MICROSOFT.RELAY/NAMESPACES/MyRelayNamespace",
    "ActivityId": "7006a0db-27eb-445c-939b-ce86133014cc",
    "endpoint": "sb://myrelaynamespace.servicebus.windows.net/myhybridconnection/7006a0db-27eb-445c-939b-ce86133014cc_G5",
    "operationName": "Microsoft.Relay/HybridConnections/NewSenderRegistering",
    "EventTimeString": "2020-04-27T20:27:57.3842810Z",
    "message": "A new sender is registering.",
    "category": "HybridConnectionsEvent"

Schema for VNet/IP Filtering Connection Logs

Hybrid Connections VNet/IP Filtering Connection Logs include elements listed in the following table:

Name Description Supported in Azure Diagnostics Supported in AZMSVnetConnectionEvents (Resource specific table)
SubscriptionId Azure subscription ID Yes Yes
NamespaceName Namespace name Yes Yes
IPAddress IP address of a client connecting to the Service Bus service Yes Yes
AddressIP IP address of client connecting to service bus Yes Yes
TimeGenerated [UTC] Time of executed operation (in UTC) Yes Yes
Action Action done by the Service Bus service when evaluating connection requests. Supported actions are Accept Connection and Deny Connection. Yes Yes
Reason Provides a reason why the action was done Yes Yes
Count Number of occurrences for the given action Yes Yes
ResourceId Azure Resource Manager resource ID. Yes Yes
Category Log Category Yes No
Provider Name of Service emitting the logs e.g., ServiceBus No Yes
Type Type of Logs Emitted No Yes


Virtual network logs are generated only if the namespace allows access from selected networks or from specific IP addresses (IP filter rules).

Sample VNet and IP Filtering Logs

Here's an example of a virtual network log JSON string:


    "SubscriptionId": "0000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
    "NamespaceName": "namespace-name",
    "IPAddress": "",
    "Action": "Accept Connection",
    "Reason": "IP is accepted by IPAddress filter.",
    "Count": 1,
    "Category": "VNetAndIPFilteringLogs"

Resource specific table entry:

    "SubscriptionId": "0000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
    "NamespaceName": "namespace-name",
    "AddressIp": "",
    "Action": "Accept Connection",
    "Message": "IP is accepted by IPAddress filter.",
    "Count": 1,
    "Provider" : "RELAY",
    "Type": "AZMSVNetConnectionEvents"

Events and operations captured in diagnostic logs

Operation Description
AuthorizationFailed Authorization failed.
InvalidSasToken Invalid SAS token.
ListenerAcceptingConnection The listener is accepting connection.
ListenerAcceptingConnectionTimeout The listener accepting connection has timed out.
ListenerAcceptingHttpRequestFailed The listener accepting HTTP request failed due to an exception.
ListenerAcceptingRequestTimeout The listener accepting request has timed out.
ListenerClosingFromExpiredToken The listener is closing because the security token has expired.
ListenerRejectedConnection The listener has rejected the connection.
ListenerReturningHttpResponse The listener is returning an HTTP response.
ListenerReturningHttpResponseFailed The listener is returning an HTTP response with a failure code.
ListenerSentHttpResponse Relay service has received an HTTP response from the listener.
ListenerUnregistered The listener is unregistered.
ListenerUnresponsive The listener is unresponsive when returning a response.
MessageSendingToListener Message is being sent to listener.
MessageSentToListener Message is sent to listener.
NewListenerRegistered New listener registered.
NewSenderRegistering New sender is registering.
ProcessingRequestFailed The processing of a Hybrid Connection operation has failed.
SenderConnectionClosed The sender connection is closed.
SenderListenerConnectionEstablished The sender and listener established connection successfully.
SenderSentHttpRequest The sender sent an HTTP request.

Next steps

To learn more about Azure Relay, see: