Linter rule - outputs should not contain secrets

This rule finds possible exposure of secrets in a template's outputs.

Linter rule code

Use the following value in the Bicep configuration file to customize rule settings: ​ outputs-should-not-contain-secrets


Don't include any values in an output that could potentially expose secrets. For example, secure parameters of type secureString or secureObject, or list* functions such as listKeys. ​ The output from a template is stored in the deployment history, so a user with read-only permissions could gain access to information otherwise not available with read-only permission. ​ The following example fails because it includes a secure parameter in an output value.

param secureParam string

output badResult string = 'this is the value ${secureParam}'

The following example fails because it uses a list* function in an output.

param storageName string
resource stg 'Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts@2023-04-01' existing = {
  name: storageName

output badResult object = {
  value: stg.listKeys().keys[0].value

The following example fails because the output name contains 'password', indicating that it may contain a secret

output accountPassword string = '...'

To fix it, you need to remove the secret data from the output. The recommended practice is to output the resourceId of the resource containing the secret and retrieve the secret when the resource needing the information is created or updated. Secrets may also be stored in KeyVault for more complex deployment scenarios.

The following example shows a secure pattern for retrieving a storageAccount key from a module.

output storageId string =

Which can be used in a subsequent deployment as shown in the following example

someProperty: listKeys(myStorageModule.outputs.storageId.value, '2021-09-01').keys[0].value

Silencing false positives

Sometimes this rule alerts on template outputs that don't actually contain secrets. For instance, not all list* functions actually return sensitive data. In these cases, you can disable the warning for this line by adding #disable-next-line outputs-should-not-contain-secrets before the line with the warning.

#disable-next-line outputs-should-not-contain-secrets // Doesn't contain a password
output notAPassword string = '...'

It's good practice to add a comment explaining why the rule doesn't apply to this line.

Next steps

For more information about the linter, see Use Bicep linter.