Azure AI Video Indexer Bring Your Own (BYO) AI Model overview


The deadline for migrating Azure Video Indexer content due to the Azure Media Services retirement has passed. See the retirement guide for more information.

This article is an overview of Azure AI Video Indexer bring your own AI model.


Azure AI Video Indexer offers a set of AIs optimized for video and audio content that can be applied to many content types. You can combine more insights from Microsoft sources, custom sources, or third party sources with the built-in Azure AI Video Indexer insights all in a seamless experience.

This capability is flexible enough to accommodate all forms and types of insights, including detection-oriented and classification-oriented AIs. You have the freedom to select the data that your external model operates upon, such as the video's frames, the entire video, or just the audio track. You can also use other insights already produced for the video, such as detected objects, faces, and labels. This allows you to run the external analysis on only the related section of the video, improving performance and reducing costs.

The feature is also available for VI enabled by Arc.

DISCLAIMER: Microsoft’s Code of conduct for Azure OpenAI Service applies to your use of the Bring Your Own Model feature, which includes Microsoft’s right to discontinue your access and use of this feature for noncompliance.


With the Video Indexer BYO model, users can add custom insights to video insight objects without incurring any additional costs beyond the listed cost of the indexing process. However, any costs related to the external environment and model shouldn't be considered part of Video Indexer's billing price. We strongly recommend reviewing our best practices section to optimize the external logic and reduce costs.

General workflow

  1. Video is uploaded and indexed with Azure AI Video Indexer.
  2. When the indexing process is completed, an event is created.
  3. Your custom code listens to the event and starts the video post-processing process.
    1. Get insights extracted by Video Indexer.
    2. Get keyframe for a video section.
    3. Send the keyframe to the custom AI model.
    4. Patch the custom insights back to Video Indexer.

diagram of the workflow described above


Before you can start using the BYO model feature with Azure AI Video Indexer, you must:

  1. Train or bring an external AI model that receives video assets and return an insight.
  2. Create custom code that:
    1. Listens for Event Hubss events.
    2. Extracts the video id from the events.
    3. Retrieves the relevant assets by calling VI APIs. In this scenario, request Get Video Index and Get frames SAS URLs.
    4. Sends the assets to the external AI model.
    5. Creates a JSON object based on the insights retrieved from the custom AI model.
    6. Requests Patch Update Video Index.


The values for populating the custom data are as follows:

Name Description Required
name External AI model name true
displayName Insight group name to be displayed in Video Indexer true
displayType Defines the type of UI representation for this specific insight group. Default value: Capsules
Possible types:
Capsule – One level text only
CapsuleAndTags -Two levels text only more will be added in the future.
results Array of objects that represent the insights detected by the external AI model true User provided ID of the result object, should be unique within the results scope true
results.type This field represents the type of insight that was categorized by the external AI model. It's used to represent a general insight category, which means that there could be multiple insights of this type identified in a specific frame. Examples of insight types include: "basketball", "crowd clapping", "white shirt". true
results.subType This field represents the type of insight that was categorized by the external AI model. It's used to represent a specific insight category, which means that there could be only a single insight of this type identified in a specific frame. Examples of insight types include: "basketball #23", "John clapping", "Dana’s white shirt". false
results.metaData More data on the insight false
results.instances Array that represents the time windows the insight was detected in. true
results.instances.confidence Set with the confidence score returned from the external model false
results.instances.start Start time of the instance in the video. Format: false
results.instances.end End time of the instance in the video. Format: false
results.instances.adjustedStart Used when displayed in the UI, set with the value from Start false
results.instances.adjustedEnd Used when displayed in the UI, set with the value from End false


Azure AI Video Indexer supports one FPS for the Basic/Standard video level and four FPS for the advanced level. Higher frame rates aren't supported. You can optimize indexing by:

  • Processing only specific segments that are of interest such as frames that include a detected sound, object or person, or
  • sample a lower FPS, for example, every 5 seconds.

Frame selection

You can use the skip frames and page size parameters for time selection. The formula is the skip frames value multiplied by the FPS plus the page size value multiplied by the FPS can be used to determine the time range.



Name Description Required
videoId ID of the video true
urlsLifetimeSeconds lifetime of the urls in seconds true
pageSize Max number of frames to return every call false
skip Frames to skip false
accessToken Should be given as parameter in URL query string or in Authorization header as Bearer token. Access token scope should be Account and permission should be Reader. true

Response: FrameFilePathsResult

Name Description Required
results List of FrameUriData False
NextPage Paging data (skip, pageSize, isDone) False


Name Description
name Name of the frame file
frameIndex Index of the frame
StartTime Start time of the frame in the video
EndTime End time of the frame in the video
filePath Sas URI of the frame in the cloud environment or file path in edge environments

Sample data sent from custom application in schema format

"customInsights": [
        "Name": "tattoo",  
        "displayName": "Tattoo’s model",
        "displayType": "CapsuleAndTag",
        "Results": [   
                "id": 1,   
                "Type": "Dragon",   
                "WikiDataId": "57F",   
                "SubType": "Leg tattoo",   
                "Metadata": "",   
                "Instances": [
                        "Confidence": 0.49,
                        "AdjustedStart": "0:00:32.72", 
                        "AdjustedEnd": "0:00:42.72",
                        "start": "0:00:32.72",
                        "end": "0:00:42.72",

Bring Your Own model samples

BYO samples

Use the Azure AI Video Indexer API