Update your Azure AI Video Indexer account and migrate assets


The deadline to migratate your media content has passed. See the below for details.

Over the past year, Azure AI Video Indexer (VI) announced the removal of its dependency on Azure Media Services (AMS) due to its retirement. Features adjustments and changes were announced and a migration guide was provided.

The deadline to complete migration was June 30, 2024. VI has extended the update/migrate deadline so you can update your VI account and opt in to the AMS VI asset migration through July 15th, 2024. To use the AMS VI asset migration, you also must extend your AMS account through July. Navigate to your AMS account in the Azure portal and select Click here to extend.

However, after June 30, if you have not updated your VI account, you won't be able to index new videos nor will you be able to play any videos that have not been migrated. If you update your account after June 30, you can resume indexing immediately but you won't be able to play videos indexed before the account update until they are migrated through the AMS VI migration.

Azure AI Video Indexer (VI) used Azure Media Services (AMS) for encoding, packaging and streaming of media assets. AMS announced that it's retiring on June 30, 2024. Therefore, VI is removing the dependency on AMS.

As described in the VI update and migration guide, your Azure AI Video Indexer account needs to be updated. During the update, you'll have the opportunity to opt in to having the VI product team migrate your assets for you. If you don’t opt in during the update process, your assets won’t be migrated.

You can opt in to VI migration using either the Azure portal or the API during the account update process.


Until June 30 you can still opt in to migration performed by VI or choose not to migrate your assets. After June 30th, there will be no option to migrate your assets at all.

Update an existing ARM account

Update an existing Azure Resource Manager (ARM) account.


The following permissions are required to update an existing ARM account:

  • A Contributor role on the Azure AI Video Indexer account
  • An Owner role or both Contributor and User Access Administrator roles on the linked storage account
  • A Reader role for the Azure AI Video Indexer resource on the AMS resource.

If the AMS linked storage account is behind a firewall, VI needs to be assigned the following managed identity - Storage Blob Data Owner. To learn more, see Use Video Indexer with storage behind firewall.

  1. In the Azure portal, navigate to the VI ARM account you want to work with.
  2. Select Update account. The Update account pane appears.
  3. Connect the account to storage. Either…
    1. Select an existing storage account from the Storage account dropdown or
    2. Create a new storage account. Storage accounts linked to VI must be a Standard general-purpose v2 storage account or Standard general-purpose v1 storage account. It cannot be a Premium block blob, Premium file share, or Premium page blob account.. For more information about creating a storage account, see Create a storage account.
  4. Select the Request to migrate checkbox.
  5. Once the storage is created, a notification appears that says that you must select a managed identity role assignment. Select the Assign role button.
  6. If you didn’t opt in to the migration process during storage creation, you can opt in by selecting the Migrate content tab. The migration prompt appears.
  7. Select Request migration to continue. When the migration request has been received, a success notification appears, the Migrate content tab disappears, and the banner disappears.

Connect a classic account to a new ARM based account

If your account is a classic account, you are required to connect the classic account to an ARM account before the classic account is retired. Doing so creates the VI account as an ARM resource and the ARM VI resource must be in the same Azure subscription as the VI Classic account and its AMS asset.

Transition state

Connecting a classic account to be ARM-based triggers a 30 days of a transition state. In the transition state, an existing account can be accessed by generating an access token using both the:

  • Access token generated through API Management(classic way)
  • Access token generated through ARM

The transition state moves all account management functionality to be managed by ARM and will be handled by Azure Role Based Access Control (RBAC).

The invite users feature in the Azure AI Video Indexer website gets disabled. The invited users on this account lose their access to the Azure AI Video Indexer account Media in the portal. However, this can be resolved by assigning the right role-assignment to these users through RBAC, see How to assign RBAC.

Only the account owner, who performed the connect action, is automatically assigned as the owner on the connected account. When Azure policies are enforced, they override the settings on the account.

If users aren't added through Azure RBAC to the account after 30 days, they'll lose access through API as well as the Azure AI Video Indexer website.

After the transition state ends, users will only be able to generate a valid access token through ARM, making Azure RBAC the exclusive way to manage role-based access control on the account.


If there are invited users you wish to remove access from, do it before connecting the account to ARM.

Before the end of the 30 days of transition state, you can remove access from users through the Azure AI Video Indexer website account settings page.

The following steps walk you through creating a new ARM based account.


You must have the following permissions to update an existing ARM account as well as to opt in and complete the VI AMS resource migration:

  • Owner permission on the classic account
  • Contributor permission on the subscription
  • Owner or both Contributor and User Access Administrator roles on the VI linked storage account
  • A Reader role for the Azure AI Video Indexer resource on the AMS resource.

If the AMS linked storage account is behind a firewall, VI needs to be assigned the following managed identity - Storage Blob Data Owner. To learn more, see Use Video Indexer with storage behind firewall.


Even after you have updated your account, VI will still access your AMS account and its associated storage account until all your videos have been migrated. Until the migration is complete, it's important that you DO NOT delete or change the accounts, roles, or permissions of the AMS, Azure Storage or VI accounts. In addition, it's recommended that VI AMS assets are not deleted until you are notified that the migration is complete as they might not have migrated yet. The VI account owner will receive an email notification that the migration is complete and you can check the migration status on the VI website as well.

  1. In the Azure portal, select + Create a resource.
  2. Search for and select Azure AI Video Indexer. The Create a Video Indexer resource page appears.
  3. Skip creating a resource group and selecting the region sections. The are auto populated by the following steps.
  4. Select the Connect all content from an existing classic account button.
  5. Select the classic account from the Available classic accounts dropdown list.
  6. Give the account a name in the Resource name field.
  7. Connect the account to storage. Either…
    1. Select an existing storage account from the Storage account dropdown or
    2. Create a new storage account. For more information about creating a storage account, see Create a storage account.


If you attempt to link the account to the storage account that is associated with an AMS account, you will receive an error.

  1. Select or create a user assigned managed identity. (If you forget, a prompt in the storage overview page appears later in the process.)
  2. Select Review + create. Validation of the configuration starts.
  3. When validation is complete, select Create.
  4. When the deployment is complete, select Go to resource. The storage resource overview page appears.
  5. If you assigned a system assigned managed identity during the storage creation process, a notification on the page says that you must select a managed identity role assignment. Select the Assign role button.
  6. You can opt in to VI migration by selecting the Migrate content tab. The migration prompt appears.
  7. Select Request migration to continue. When the migration request is received, a success notification appears, the Migrate content tab disappears, and the banner disappears.

Opt in to VI migration of an already updated account

To opt in to VI migration of an already updated account, you can use either the Azure portal or the API.


You must have a Contributor role on the Azure AI Video Indexer account.

  1. You can opt in to VI migration by selecting the Migrate content tab. The migration prompt appears.
  2. Select Request migration to continue. When the migration request is received, a success notification appears, the Migrate content tab disappears, and the banner disappears.