Troubleshoot Socket.IO common problems

Web PubSub for Socket.IO builds on the Socket.IO library. When you're using the Azure service, problems might lie with the service or with the library.

To find the origin of problems, you can isolate the Socket.IO library by temporarily removing Web PubSub for Socket.IO from your application. If the application works as expected after the removal, the root cause is probably with the Azure service.

Use this article to find solutions to common problems with the service. Additionally, you can enable logging on the server side to examine the behavior of your Socket.IO app, if none of the listed solutions help.

If you suspect that the problems are with the Socket.IO library, refer to the Socket.IO library's documentation.

Server side

Improper package import

Possible error

TypeError: (intermediate value).useAzureSocketIO is not a function

Root cause

If you use TypeScript in your project, you might observe this error. It's due to improper package import.

// Bad example
import * as wpsExt from "@azure/"

If a package isn't used or referenced after importing, the default behavior of the TypeScript compiler is not to emit the package in the compiled .js file.


Use import "@azure/" instead. This import statement forces the TypeScript compiler to include a package in the compiled .js file, even if the package isn't referenced anywhere in the source code. Read more about this frequently asked question from the TypeScript community.

// Good example. 
// It forces TypeScript to include the package in compiled .js file.
import "@azure/"

Client side

Incorrect path option

Possible error

GET <web-pubsub-endpoint>/ 404 Not Found

Root cause

The Socket.IO client was created without a correct path option.

// Bad example
const socket = io(endpoint)


Add the correct path option with the value /clients/socketio/hubs/eio_hub.

// Good example
const socket = io(endpoint, {
    path: "/clients/socketio/hubs/eio_hub",

Incorrect Web PubSub for Socket.IO endpoint

Possible error

GET <non-web-pubsub-endpoint>/ 404 Not Found

Root cause

The Socket.IO client was created without a correct Web PubSub for Socket.IO endpoint. For example:

// Bad example. 
// This example uses the original Socket.IO server endpoint. 
const endpoint = "";
const socket = io(endpoint, {
    path: "/clients/socketio/hubs/<Your hub name>",

When you use Web PubSub for Socket.IO, your clients establish connections with an Azure service. When you create a Socket.IO client, you need to use the endpoint for your Web PubSub for Socket.IO resource.


Let Socket.IO client use the endpoint for your Web PubSub for Socket.IO resource.

// Good example.
const webPubSubEndpoint = "<web-pubsub-endpoint>";
const socket = io(webPubSubEndpoint, {
    path: "/clients/socketio/hubs/<Your hub name>",

Installed multiple versions for the same package

Possible error

Server throws error:

  const io = await require('')(server).useAzureSocketIO(wpsOptions);        
TypeError: require(...)(...).useAzureSocketIO is not a function

Root cause

An or package is added to package.json under the dependencies field by user, while the SDK package @azure/ specifies a different version internally. For example:

"dependencies": {
    "@azure/": "1.0.1-beta.6",
    "": "4.6.1"

After yarn install, both of two different versions are installed. You could verify by running npm list This command should show two versions of packages:

demo@0.0.0 G:\demo
├─┬ @azure/
│ └──


The solution depends on whether a customized version of or package is necessary for your need or not.

  • Customized version of package is NOT necessary Simply removing in package.json dependencies works. For example:
"dependencies": {
    "@azure/": "1.0.1-beta.6",
  • Customized version of package is necessary In this case, package.json could be:
"dependencies": {
    "@azure/": "1.0.1-beta.6",
    "": "4.6.1"

Then you should run yarn install --flat. It installs all the dependencies, but only allow one version for each package. On the first run, it prompts you to choose a single version for each package that is depended on at multiple version ranges. For our case, it could prompt you to choose versions of,, and maybe more. Make sure their versions are matched with each other according to the native implementation of package and package.

The final versions are added to your `package.json`` under a resolutions field.

"resolutions": {
  "package-a": "a.b.c",
  "package-b": "d.e.f",
  "package-c": "g.h.i"