Troubleshoot Azure Database for MySQL - Flexible Server backup (preview)

This article provides the recommended actions to troubleshoot the issues you might encounter during the backup or restore of Azure Database for MySQL - Flexible server.

Common errors for the backup and restore operations


Error code: MySQLFlexOperationFailedUserError

Inner error code: ResourceGroupNotFound

Recommended action: Check if the resource group of the backed-up server is deleted. We recommend you to stop protection for the backup instance to avoid failures.


Error code: MySQLFlexOperationFailedUserError

Inner error code: ResourceNotFound

Recommended action: Check if the resource being backed up is deleted. We recommend you to stop protection for the backup instance to avoid failures.


Error code: MySQLFlexOperationFailedUserError

Inner error code: AuthorizationFailed

Cause: Required permissions aren't present to perform the backup operation.

Recommended action: Assign the appropriate permissions.


Error code: MySQLFlexClientError

Inner error code: BackupAlreadyRunningForServer

Cause: A backup operation is already running on the server.

Recommended action: Wait for the previous operation to finish before triggering the next backup operation.


Error code: UserErrorMaxConcurrentOperationLimitReached

Inner error code: UserErrorMaxConcurrentOperationLimitReached

Cause: The count to perform backups on the server reached the maximum limit.

Recommended action: Try to trigger a backup once the current running backup job finishes.


Error code: UserErrorMSIMissingPermissions

Inner error code: UserErrorMSIMissingPermissions

Cause: The required set of permissions isn't present to perform the restore operation.

Recommended action: Assign the appropriate permissions and retrigger backup operation.

Next steps