Troubleshoot Azure Bastion

This article shows you how to troubleshoot Azure Bastion.

Unable to create an NSG on AzureBastionSubnet

Q: When I try to create an NSG on the Azure Bastion subnet, I get the following error: 'Network security group <NSG name> doesn't have necessary rules for Azure Bastion Subnet AzureBastionSubnet".

A: If you create and apply an NSG to AzureBastionSubnet, make sure you have added the required rules to the NSG. For a list of required rules, see Working with NSG access and Azure Bastion. If you don't add these rules, the NSG creation/update will fail.

An example of the NSG rules is available for reference in the quickstart template. For more information, see NSG guidance for Azure Bastion.

Unable to use my SSH key with Azure Bastion

Q: When I try to browse my SSH key file, I get the following error: 'SSH Private key must start with -----BEGIN RSA/DSA/OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY----- and ends with -----END RSA/DSA/OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY-----'.

A: Azure Bastion currently supports RSA, DSA, and OPENSSH private keys. Make sure that you browse a key file that is RSA, DSA, or OPENSSH private key for SSH, with public key provisioned on the target VM.

As an example, you can use the following command to create a new RSA SSH key:

ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C ""


ashishj@dreamcatcher:~$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C ""
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/home/ashishj/.ssh/id_rsa):
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
Enter same passphrase again:
Your identification has been saved in /home/ashishj/.ssh/id_rsa.
Your public key has been saved in /home/ashishj/.ssh/
The key fingerprint is:
The key's randomart image is:
+---[RSA 4096]----+
|      .o         |
| .. ..oo+. +     |
|=.o...B==.O o    |
|==o  =.*oO E     |
|++ .. ..S =      |
|oo..   + =       |
|...     o o      |
|         . .     |
|                 |

Unable to sign in to my Windows domain-joined virtual machine

Q: I'm unable to connect to my Windows virtual machine that is domain-joined.

A: Azure Bastion supports domain-joined VM sign-in for username-password based domain sign-in only. When specifying the domain credentials in the Azure portal, use the UPN (username@domain) format instead of domain\username format to sign in. This is supported for domain-joined or hybrid-joined (both domain-joined and Microsoft Entra joined) virtual machines. It isn't supported for Microsoft Entra joined-only virtual machines.

Unable to connect to virtual machine

Q: I'm unable to connect to my virtual machine (and I'm not experiencing the problems above).

A: You can troubleshoot your connectivity issues by navigating to the Connection Troubleshoot tab (in the Help section) of your Azure Bastion resource in the Azure portal. Network Watcher Connection Troubleshoot provides the capability to check a direct TCP connection from a virtual machine (VM) to a VM, fully qualified domain name (FQDN), URI, or IPv4 address. To start, choose a source to start the connection from, and the destination you wish to connect to and select "Check". For more information, see Connection Troubleshoot.

If just-in-time (JIT) is enabled, you might need to add additional role assignments to connect to Bastion. Add the following permissions to the user, and then try reconnecting to Bastion. For more information, see Enable just-in-time access on VMs.

Setting Description
Microsoft.Security/locations/jitNetworkAccessPolicies/read Gets the just-in-time network access policies
Microsoft.Security/locations/jitNetworkAccessPolicies/write Creates a new just-in-time network access policy or updates an existing one

File transfer issues

Q: Is file transfer supported with Azure Bastion?

A: Azure Bastion offers support for file transfer between your target VM and local computer using Bastion and a native RDP or SSH client. At this time, you can't upload or download files using PowerShell or via the Azure portal. For more information, see Upload and download files using the native client.

Black screen in the Azure portal

Q: When I try to connect using Azure Bastion, I can't connect to the target VM, and I get a black screen in the Azure portal.

A: This happens when there's either a network connectivity issue between your web browser and Azure Bastion (your client Internet firewall might be blocking WebSockets traffic or similar), or between the Azure Bastion and your target VM. Most cases include an NSG applied either to AzureBastionSubnet, or on your target VM subnet that is blocking the RDP/SSH traffic in your virtual network. Allow WebSockets traffic on your client internet firewall, and check the NSGs on your target VM subnet. See Unable to connect to virtual machine to learn how to use Connection Troubleshoot to troubleshoot your connectivity issues.

Next steps

For more information, see the Bastion FAQ.