Azure CDN subscription offers and bandwidth throttling

Some Azure CDNs offerings are only available to certain subscription types. Bandwidth throttling might also apply depending on your subscription type.

Free and Trial Subscription

Azure CDN from Microsoft is the only CDN offering that is available to trial subscriptions. Bandwidth throttling is applied for this type of subscription.


Bandwidth for Azure CDN from Microsoft and Edgio gets throttled until the subscription is determined to be in good standing and has a sufficient payment history. The process for determining the subscription status and having throttling removed happens automatically after the first payment has been received.

If you have made a payment and throttling hasn't been removed, you can request to do so by contacting support.

Enterprise agreements

All Azure CDNs are available to Enterprise Agreement subscriptions. Enterprise Agreements subscriptions don't have any bandwidth restrictions.

Other offer types

The same functionality as Pay-as-you-go applies to these types of agreements:

  • Visual Studio
  • MSDN
  • Students
  • CSP

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