Deploy a local Windows Server instance hosted by Vagrant and connect it to Azure Arc

The following article provides guidance for deploying a local Windows 10 virtual machine using Vagrant and connects it as an Azure Arc-enabled server resource.


  1. Clone the Azure Arc Jumpstart repository.

    git clone
  2. Install or update Azure CLI to version 2.7 and above. Use the following command to check your current installed version.

    az --version
  3. Vagrant relies on an underlying hypervisor. For this guide, we are using Oracle VM VirtualBox.

    1. Install VirtualBox.

    2. Install Vagrant

  4. Create an Azure service principal.

    To connect the Vagrant virtual machine to Azure Arc, an Azure service principal assigned with the Contributor role is required. To create it, sign in to your Azure account and run the following command. You can also run this command in Azure Cloud Shell.

    az login
    az account set -s <Your Subscription ID>
    az ad sp create-for-rbac -n "<Unique SP Name>" --role contributor --scopes "/subscriptions/<Your Subscription ID>"

    For example:

    az ad sp create-for-rbac -n "http://AzureArcServers" --role contributor --scopes "/subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"

    The output should look like this:

      "displayName": "http://AzureArcServers",


    We highly recommend that you scope the service principal to a specific Azure subscription and resource group.

  • The vagrantfile executes a script on the VM OS to install all the needed artifacts and to inject environment variables. Edit the scripts/vars.ps1 PowerShell script to match the Azure service principal you created.

    • subscriptionId = your Azure subscription ID
    • appId = your Azure service principal name
    • password = your Azure service principal password
    • tenantId = your Azure tenant ID
    • resourceGroup = Azure resource group name
    • location = Azure region


Like any Vagrant deployment, a vagrantfile and a Vagrant box is needed. At a high level, the deployment will:

  • Download the Windows 10 image file Vagrant box
  • Execute the Azure Arc installation script

After editing the scripts/vars.ps1 script to match your environment, from the Vagrantfile folder, run vagrant up. As this is the first time you are creating the VM, the first run will be much slower than the ones to follow. This is because the deployment is downloading the Windows 10 box for the first time.

A screenshot of running the vagrant up command.

Once the download is complete, the actual provisioning starts. As shown in the following screenshot, the process takes somewhere between 7 to 10 minutes.

A screenshot of a completed vagrant up command.


If you see an error about the checking revocation for the certificate, add this config to Vagrantfile:

config.vm.box_download_insecure = true

Upon completion, you'll have a local Windows 10 VM deployed, connected as a new Azure Arc-enabled server inside a new resource group.

A screenshot of an Azure Arc-enabled server in the Azure portal.

A screenshot of the details from an Azure Arc-enabled server in the Azure portal.

Semi-automated deployment (optional)

The last step of the run is to register the VM as a new Azure Arc-enabled server resource.

Another screenshot of a completed vagrant up command.

If you want to demo/control the actual registration process, do the following:

  1. In the install_arc_agent PowerShell script, comment out the run connect command section and save the file. You can also comment out or change the creation of the resource group.

    A screenshot of the install_arc_agent PowerShell script.

    A screenshot of the az group create command.

  2. RDP the VM using the vagrant rdp command. Use vagrant/vagrant as the username/password.

    A screenshot of accessing a Vagrant server with the Microsoft Remote Desktop Protocol.

  3. Open PowerShell ISE as Administrator and edit the C:\runtime\vars.ps1 file with your environment variables.

    A screenshot of Windows PowerShell ISE.

  4. Paste the Invoke-Expression C:\runtime\vars.ps1 command, the az group create --location $env:location --name $env:resourceGroup --subscription $env:subscriptionId command and the same azcmagent connect command you out and execute the script.

    A screenshot of PowerShell ISE running a script.

Delete the deployment

To delete the entire deployment, run the vagrant destroy -f command. The vagrantfile includes a before: destroy Vagrant trigger that runs the command to delete the Azure resource group before destroying the actual VM.

A screenshot of the vagrant destroy command.